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Criticize My Posts Here



Okay, so a lot of people wanna talk about my posting style, and VB polls and Hero Factory topics are not the place to do it. I already have a blog entry where yall could post comments like that, but then that's a blog entry that dwarfs most of the posts in question, so yeah. XD Whine here. :P


(I mean... comment here. No whining. :P)


In my defense, usually all I'm doing in terms of length compared to others is responding with about the same amount of content that others use. But they tend to spread it out over lots of posts in real-time, generating several pages rapidly, and I just don't have the time, due to weekend job, moderating, etc. to follow topics in real time. So I'm usually responding in much the same way as others, but just in one post (since we can't (normally :P) double post).


Of course, I do try to focus on saying what needs to be said that isn't being said, so I'm not saying the same things, per se, as others. But whatever. And I don't always use the full context-included long style either, and usually not more than twice in the same thread of discussion; switching instead to a much more concise style after the initial post.


Also, for the record, I'm fine with people skimming the parts that don't interest them or aren't directed at them, etc. It's yall's choice how to use your time.




In other news, we'll probably do a Multiverse news article soon, but I'd like to hold off till we can get the Multiverse Guide Art winning pics into the PDF file, and post the results blog entry. Also, some more wiki content first would be nice. We have a good number of editors right now, and some content has been added. I've been trying to put up at least something every day myself too (not counting the weekend).


I had more I wanted to say, but then forgot, and figured this blog entry is better short anyways. :P


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for the record, the poll wasn't meant to be criticism, you were just the only example that came to mind. :(


I guess I shoulda still used common sense anyways wow I am stupid



anyways, as I have expressed before, your posts absolutely astound me. the way you manage to address so many points at once as well as provide such a well-fleshed argument for or against them truly never ceases to amaze, especially in this day and age on BZP when everybody could use a dose of pure logic.


also, a long entry about posts your being too long? oh the irony! =P

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XD *sees that you saw the blog entry, after just sending you the link in reply to your PM... D'oh*


I know you didn't mean it that way, S. I'm half joking in the title. :P


The other entry was about more than just this, for the record. :lol:

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I hate how your posts take my arguments and throw them back in my face, reducing my trivial whining and teenage angst to a bunch of blather with your extraordinary words of wisdom.



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Hey, bonesiii, I think your posts are too boring and are like straight-up lectures. The odd emoticon does not balance the pure amount of truth you put into your posts, and that makes it less exciting and more tedious, even for someone as diligent and devoted as I.


I think you should spend more time on Mudkips and Piplups and maybe even kiwi birds in order to relieve the pure blandness your factual posts have.


Basically, your posts suck and I will never read them unless you post them in red, Italicized Impact font. And feature large, Barney and Friends-themed banners between every paragraph of over 5 sentences.


Thank you.



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"In fact, bonesiii's posts stir a little of everything into the pot, which boils down into seven sections divided by brief intervals of exposition among the three subject points. Three of the sections don't even involve subject matter, and are basically there to broaden the action and deepen the characters. But whether it's the adrenaline rush, a death wish, macho posturing or just "doin' a job" that drives bonesiii it is little clearer by the end than it is at the beginning. Maybe if a greater emotional connection had been created from the start, the dramatic meaning of the post may have been more impacting."



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Seriously, sometimes they're a little too long. I sometimes don't feel like it's worth the effort to skim through your whole post to see if you've replied to me.

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While occasionally I don't have the time or the interest in reading a long post, I appreciate you writing them. I'd prefer that in any case to half-interested, un-explanatory short sentences. Just like art critique.

While by-and-large you may get a lot of "tl;dr"s, they will tend to be from people without either the capacity or the time to care much.



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I usually just skim your posts (mainly 'cuz I know better than to disagree with you :P ), and most of the posts I read are in the EM discussion (so I only read the parts that respond/give instructions to me).


However, I do enjoy reading your more opinionated posts. Each one is like a miniature (sorta) textbook on logic.



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Your posts are a bit overkill tbh, while everything you say is perfectly reasonable, the sheer length of your posts, combined with your status can result in people being intimidated and defensive which kind of undoes what you're trying to do.


Don't bother with a point by point deconstruction, people don't like being criticised, it makes your posts much longer and harder to respond to, and it's possibly a bit patronising. Keep it concise, only say what matters, and let them figure out the finer details themselves - most people aren't stupid, they just get a bit carried away.

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