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3/3/10 Story Fit Exercise

Lazzy the Spazzy


3/3/10 Story Fit Exercise

For an explanation of what the Story Fit is, please go here.

Each week I'll post an exercise. This is the entry for the exercise of the week of March 3 - March 9.


This is the seventh week that Story Fit has been running. Time to do a more challenging exercise.

Imagine the person or type of person you hate most. Think about that person's habits. Think about the aspects of the person you distaste. Think about that person at their absolute lowest, their most pitiful, their most pathetic. Think about how much you hate that person.

Then write a story with that person as the main character and make the readers sympathize with that person. =P

Have fun! >=]

There is no word limit or any other constraints -- the only requirement is that the story contain this theme.

Once you write your story, post here with a link to it. Extra points will also be awarded to those members who review other Story Fit members' stories. This will not only give you practice with writing but also reviewing, as well as promote an exchange of ideas and styles within the BZP Writers Community. Happy writing!

Note: As of today, there is a deadline for your story to be submitted. You have two weeks from now to write your work and submit it.


Each week we vote for the Writer of the Week, based on the popularity of the stories submitted during that week. However, because the week of 2/17/10 - 2/23/10 only had one writer submit his work, we have no WotW this week!

This week we had three writers do something for the Story Fit, however, this week we're doing something different again. Until next Wednesday, writers are still allowed to submit their six-themed work for voting. So voters, don't be surprised to see the list grow during the course of the week. Writers (Monday, Neelh, Velox, Senjo, Mecha, Rising), this means you can still turn in your exercise before voting ends!

Below is a list of stories that have been submitted within the past week. Look over them, read through them if you want, then vote for your favorite story (send a PM with your vote to me). At the end of this week, I will count up the votes and give the Writer of the Week award [of 2/24/10 - 3/2/10] to the writer who gets the most votes.

Last Week's Stories

1) 6 Years Earlier by Toa Spirit
2) Arachne by Akai Hana no Tenshi
3) Sight by Grant-Sud

Vote away!


So, it's pretty much been decided that we'll have one task a week, as well as that we will have a two-week deadline for stories. This will be the system we'll use from now on.


Recommended Comments

Crimson Crown


I explain the personality thing at the end. I'll finish up Duality (name of this story) by the end of the deadline, at least, so the whole thing will be there to judge.


EDIT: Actually, I'm withdrawing this, since it's taken a different turn from what I expected. I'll try to get something in, though.

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I'm actually not going to write anything (except maybe poetry or non-Story Fit SSs) until after the RPGC; got something cooking that probably won't be ready for this one, but I need to rush. :P

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actally..I'm re-enteriCrimson Crown...Crown still has some personality qualities I dislike, but Arena is resembling me more...also, if I don't enter it, this contest will have zero entries...and my story will have 0 replies :P

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