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I have suspected for a long time, but right now because of certain things I'm almost certain some (other!) girl I know likes me. That's all very well, but I am not...really sure that I like her back. It's not like she's a bad person nor that I don't get on with her, quite the contrary on both counts, but...yeah, I dunno. I want to tread carefully before I know for sure, I guess.


Ah, this blog is so good for venting my thoughts. Trust me, no one in real life knows how I think like you guys know. Which is really quite sad.


Other dilemma...




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Sounds to me like you need a little introspection; try to figure out what's holding you back and decide if that's worth working past it. Evaluate your feelings as well as the pros and the cons and see what you get.


Alternatively, there's a couple tricks you could use if you're feeling daring. The old "hey, I heard this crazy rumour the other day..." :P

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Isn't the point of dating to find out whether or not you like the person?


If you really feel certain of her affection/attraction to you, then ask her on a date. The mere action of requesting a date doesn't immediately tie you two together as boyfriend and girlfriend. If after a few dates, you don't really feel anything, then let her down gently.


EDIT: Whoops...just realised how old this was XD well, too late now....that's what I get for looking at the "active members" section...

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It's kinda not old, since nothing's progressed since then. Though that's more because of me being sick and out of contact rather than inaction. I swear. :P


I always had it in my mind (but I can't exactly quote from experience, right?) that you already have some attraction or whatever to someone and then you ask them out or whatever variant. However, over this lil' while I have been thinking of doing just that, going out with them to see whether it can work. I do reckon on what I know it might.


One of my major fears (that I need to get over) is the whole "What if it isn't working?" issue. I'm not sure I have the skill to let someone down gently, because I do not have a good record of saying the right things. It has to happen eventually, so I guess cross that bridge when I get to it.



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