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Easiest $50 I Ever Made

Takuma Nuva


First, I can't link directly to the page because it, in turn, links to forums. Second, "MiBI" is short for "Madballs in... Babo: Invasion". MiBI is an indie video game that is definitely towards the top of my list. It's not above Audiosurf, or course, but it's REAL good. Just wish the online multiplayer community was a bit larger.


Anyways, here's a quote from the developer's blog:

MiBI Video Contest deadline extended…

by winterwalker on Mar.03, 2010, under MiBI


Hi folks,


Just a heads up that we’ve decided to [once again, and hopefully for the last time] extend the time for entries to the video contest.


The reasons are simply the business reality that we’re putting up significant dollars in prizes ($2000 USD), and unfortunately we don’t have enough entries completed yet.


We believe the main reason is that we haven’t had our free week-end yet — which we really had assumed would happened before the contest was over. [This of course hasn't happened, due to a variety of technical and scheduling issues between us and Valve - all of which I am happy to report are now resolved.]


To be clear - we’re now fully green-lit for our free week-end to happen on April 16th - 18th.


So, back to the video event - what are the changes?


We’re setting the new deadline officially to “Two weeks after our free week-end - specifically end-of-day Monday May 3rd)” Note that if the free week-end moves, we *will* move the contest deadline to match.


Note - we’re very appreciative of those who’ve already put in the effort to complete their entries - and we appreciate that extending the contest deadline isn’t as great for them (since they need to wait to be judged). It does, however, allow the ensure that the other entrants have time to complete their entries (including our friends in France who are having power problems trying to complete theirs).


So - to compensate, anyone who has already completed/submitted their video (which by the eBUM status page, are arramus, finderhome, tukamalight (he misspelled my name :P) and aprone (if he publishes his video - or at least sends to me to see ) ) are…


•being declared interim winners - and being awarded a prize of $50 USD

•and those folks are *still* in the running for the final prizes… [and they're free to continue to edit / improve their videos as well]


Anyway, we hope that folks agree that this is a fair compromise between achieving our contest goals (which are of course to use our limited marketing dollars wisely to help generate buzz for MiBI) and being fair to those entering the contest.


Finally - thank-you very much for those who’ve already entered and/or are hard at work creating videos. We love your entries, and are sorry that we need to once-again delay the contest. Hopefully this is the last time!


As always - full details on the contest can be found on the [eBum] site at [LINK REMOVED].




[PS - Arramus, finderhome, tukamalight and aprone - please send me e-mails at [REMOVED] so that we can exchange the info necessary to get you your interim prizes! Congrats! :D]

So... should I blow it all on something(s) or save it up? :???:




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I would recommend Bioshock 2, but I know you'd hate the drill and the blood, probably.

I've seen plenty of video of it anyways. Doesn't look that interesting to me and I'm not a fan of swearing, so, no.


It'll probably all end up going towards college. xP


«Takuma Nuva»
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