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The Inevitable Return Of The Great White Dope



Call it curiosity.


Call it boredom.


Call it a crime against nature.


Yeah, I'm dropping by again- no it's fine, I know nobody cares. I stopped caring about internet socializing awhile ago anyway; thank Ted for that. I hit that lovely little realization where while the world may be scratching at your door, it's up to you to open the door and greet it. Not to imply that I've gone on some epic journey of a lifetime here, but heck, I'm working on it and that's rewarding in itself. But hey, nothing hurts with saying 'Hi!' , agreed?


So what's been going on back here? I'm not one to carry out egotistical droning about my own life.




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nothing's even happened here yet and already it's grounds for posting this macro.




how are you, old comrade?

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@Xaer: Nice to see you again. I have no idea how long I'll be around, it's a question when I have enough free time to spare.


@ DX: Quick, play the USSR anthem or it'll go to waste! I'm... Well, I'd be lying if I said great but hey, stress fueled by college work and part time jobs is ironically somewhat rewarding. SOMEWHAT. I guess you could compare it to eating a bunch of Warhead candies at once.

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*does so*




also :\. still, you might be stressed now but in the end it'll all be worth it.



so how long can I keep this blog in my favourites until you leave again? :P

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Well, at least you have a job. :P


Well, I did have something else to say about ten minutes ago, but being called off to go do something for a few minutes promptly erased my memory. However, I feel certain that what I had in mind was probably stated already. XP

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Until either


A)My art professor decides to drop another three projects on my head at once- I swear, I haven't drawn anything that isn't some abstract thumbnail in months.


B ) I successfully persuade my buddies to drag me along like a sack of potatoes to California on spring break


C) Warm weather comes around.

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