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Weekly Update - 3/5

Black Six



Sometimes the weeks go by so fast I feel like someone installed a flux capacitor in my car. Well, here goes nothing!



I'm sure everyone's favorite news item this past week was Smeagol4's review of the Large Pink Box. I told him he was crazy for doing it, but he just laughed and kept right on going. But hey, it's LEGO and we're a LEGO fansite, so you guys will have to learn to live with some interesting reviews here and there. :P


Of course since it's March now that means the February episode of the BZPowercast has been posted. Two days before posting I was worried we were going to have a short show without much content and I went scrambling to find people to bring on. I guess I went overboard. That'll learn me though, since I never want to have to edit something that long again. I hope everyone enjoyed it though, it was a lot of fun to record, and as always Smeag and Hahli Husky wouldn't calm down, and Senjo, well she was just as crazy. But they're all awesome, so I forgive them. ;)


In some more general LEGO news, our favorite company has inked a deal with Warner Brothers licensing the brand for Travelers Tales games until 2016. Some people have mentioned wanting to see a Hero Factory games, and the more I think about it, the more I see how that could work really well. Maybe next year? Another thing that would be interesting, and goes back to something I mentioned in the Powercast, not only does Disney own the rights to the Muppets, but they now own Marvel. LEGO Marvel sets and games anyone? That would be awesome.


In other news, we're working on some interesting changes that I'm hoping you guys like. Not sure when we're going to be able to say anything, but soon I hope.


Finally, we may be down for some maintenance this weekend for a while, so if you can't get to the site or the forums, there's your culprit.



Finally remembered to do this. Just two questions...
  • How often do you make a casual post in the forums?
  • When/if this happens, where do you post?

1. Every so often.

2. A random smattering of places, probably GD and CoT the most.


1. What is your favorite all-time movie?

2. Can you use your amazingly physic powers to see if I will become a staff someday?

3. Have you ever kicked somebody helplessly down?

4. How many PMs do you get a week?

5. Favorite food?


That's it! =P

1. That's a tough one. Probably The Shawshank Redemption.

2. No but I can use my time machine. I won't tell you, however, since that will mess with the continuum.

3. No.

4. A few dozen maybe? I tend to delete some after replying, so it's hard to keep track.

5. I think that's impossible to decide - there's so many good things out there. But I have the feeling I've answered this before somewhere, so take a look around.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



And that wraps things up for this week. Questions, comments, and feedback are always welcome. See you all on the boards!


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I know it's not really on topic, but it just occurred to me

Did you get the Idea for your 'Complaint Department' block from Paul Hewitt?

Cause his videos are ancient, and they mention something along those lines...

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>LEGO Marvel sets


I could not possibly convey the overflow of positive emotions I would feel upon finding out that this had become reality again.

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Wow, you were early/on time this week.


I mentioned something about LEGO Marvel sets back when it was announced. You should use some of your influence to get some good Marvel sets (if the Mega Bloks ones were anything like the magnetic Halo ones, that's enough for me to not like their quality).


©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM

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They've had LEGO Spiderman, so we've seen some LEGO Marvel before. (Though a videogame would be awesome)

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