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Weekly Update - 2/26

Black Six



Since most of my time tonight has been spent on the mailbag, you don't get anything else in this weekly update.



Just kidding!


We wrapped up our Toy Fair coverage this week, looking at Bionicle, Ben 10, some Hero Factory, the rest of Hero Factory, and some games and LEGO Universe. I hope you all enjoyed it. I know Yannick and I did.


Another set review was posted this week; Bfahome reviewed the Wreck Raider to some mixed reactions. Get used to it guys. We'll still talk about Bionicle as much as possible, but we have to branch out a little.


There were a bunch of story updates too, so many I'm not going to link to them all. Check out our main page for more details.


Some podcast recording was also done yesterday, expect to see the episode go up over the weekend. It's probably going to be another long one, unless I edit all the good stuff out again.


Finally, we've been progressing on making some changes to a certain part of the rules, but don't hold your breaths, since it will probably take a while before you guys see something as a result.



Only because no one has done it in forever...


1) Why has no one done the mailbag in forever?

2) What are your views on Hero Factory?

3) Will you buy any Hero Factory sets?

4) Don't you just love the new Star Wars sets?

5) How was Brickfair?

6) How was your week?

7) Is life going good?

8) What is your favorite canister line?

9) What happened to the other 5 Black's?

10) Do you like Power Miners?

1) Because they're afraid and/or they hate me.

2) I think the sets have promise. The story will likely be lackluster though.

3) Probably not, but then again I didn't buy that many Bionicle sets in recent years either.

4) There are some really great ones.

5) You mean Toy Fair? Amazing.

6) Oddly productive.

7) More or less.

8) The Toa Nuva.

9) Who said anything happened to them?

10) It's an interesting theme. I don't like this year's sets too much, the colors are garish.

11) How many F's have you gotten in school?

12) Are you a straight A student?

13) What is your favorite BIONICLE launcher?

14) So I heard you like mudkipz?

15) Do you have a girlfriend?

16) How's your family doing?

17) Is it epic being a BZP admin?

18) What is your favorite prototype mask?

19) Do you enjoy the Legend of Zelda?

20) Amazon or eBay?

11) None.

12) More or less.

13) Kanoka or maybe Zamor.

14) No, not really.

15) Nope.

16) Um, fine, I guess?

17) Not really. It's mainly a lot of work.

18) The Dark Blue and White Mirus are pretty awesome.

19) The only Zelda game I've played all the way through is A Link to the Past DX. It was fun.

20) Amazon, usually.

21) What is your favorite BIONICLE novel?

22) BIONICLE Graphic Novel?

23) BIONICLE comic?

24) BIONICLE set?

25) Did you ever want to be a set designer?

26) Have you ever tried to light your arm on fire?

27) Have we captured your bases?

28) Ducks or Birds?

29) Did you find Waldo?

30) What is your favorite Chuck Norris joke?

21) I don't think I've ever read one.

22) See above.

23) Hard choice. Possibly the Mask of Light comic - much better than the movie.

24) Tahu.

25) Yes, then I realized I'm not a great builder.

26) No.

27) All my base are belong to me.

28) Not gonna ask...

29) Many times.

30) I think they're all equally corny.

31) No one expects the spanish inquisition

32) What is your favorite genre of movies?

33) Did you see the movie step brothers?

34) Wasn't it epic?

35) Have you always liked Lego?

36) I saw you online :P

37) Do you consume water?

38) Do you breethe?

39) Vons or Ralphs?

40) Do you know anyone from BZP in real life?

31) I knew you were going to say that.

32) Science fiction.

33) No.

34) No idea.

35) For as long as I can remember.

36) Yay?

37) Yes, I usually have a bottle with me at all times.

38) No, but I breathe.

39) See #28.

40) Yes, at least a dozen people.

41) Are these questions getting annoying?

42) the answer is the question

44) BBQ or ketchup?

45) Ketchup or mayonaisse?

46) Ketchup or Mustard?

47) Are you a nice guy?

48) What color eyes were you born with?

49) Were you born on the exact day the doctor predicted?

50) If not how late/early were you?

41) Better than no questions?

42) What is the question?

44) Ketchup.

45) Ketchup.

46) Ketchup.

47) I like to think so. Some people might say otherwise though.

48) The same color I have now.

49) No idea.

50) See above.

51) Ever skip a grade?

52) Ever get held back?

53) Do you enjoy Pizza?

54) Do you ever go to CoT?

55) What is your favorite forum on this site?

56) Can you believe you became admin?

57) How many sets did you get this year?

58) What was you most recent set?

59) What was your first set?

60) Do you enjoy harry potter?

51) Nope.

52) Never.

53) Who doesn't?

54) Unfortunately.

55) RPG, of course.

56) Oddly enough.

57) So far? None.

58) Tahu Stars.

59) LEGO? No idea. Bionicle? Tahu.

60) Not particularly.

61) What is your favorite b-day gift ever?

62) Do you own any lego video games?

63) Which ones?

64) Do you like ben 10 sets?

65) Have you ever watched Ben 10?

66) What is your favorite tv show?

67) what is your favorite TV channel?

68) Do you like takanuva?

69) What are you hobbies?

70) What time did you start reading this?

61) My first car.

62) Yes.

63) LEGO Star Wars and Bionicle Heroes.

64) Eh.

65) No.

66) That's on right now? Burn Notice. Ever? Farscape.

67) SyFy (still hate the name though).

68) He seems like a swell chap.

69) You mean other than spending all my free time running BZPower? Oh wait...

70) I lost track.

72) How long has this taken so far?

73) Drugs are bad.

74) Do you like barraki?

75) Do you have a personal gardener?

76) Can you imagine that I am bored?

77) Do you like Mario?

78) Do you like Pokemon?

79) Do you like Atlantis LEGO?

80) Do you frequently MOC?

72) Too long.

73) I'm well aware.

74) They were very varied.

75) No.

76) I never would have guessed.

77) Sure.

78) I did back in the day. Haven't played any games in years.

79) It's a pretty cool theme.

80) No sadly.

81) What country do you live in?

82) State?

86) What's your favorite Makuta?

89) Do you like Spiderman?

90) What is your favorite Comic series?

81) The United States.

82) New Jersey (for now).

86) The Makuta.

89) I used to watch the TV show and I've read some comics.

90) Farscape.

91) Have you seen Avatar?

92) What do you think of it?

93) Do you have a camera?

94) What kind?

95) What is the biggest room in your house?

96) What is your relationship with your parents?

97) What chemical has the coolest name?

98) Do you like PS3's?

99) How did you manage to read and reply to all of this?

91) No.

92) See above.

93) Yes.

94) A Canon SX10 IS.

95) My living room.

96) I'm their son.

97) Unununium.

98) I'm more of an Xbox person.

99) I skipped some.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Back to the grind for me. (I wish that meant the Dragon Age level grind, but I have other stuff I should probably do.) Questions, comments, and feedback are always welcome. Have a great weekend!


Recommended Comments

Whoa, that was a lot of questions. I liked 99. =P

A lot of the other ones were interesting too.

Cool about the rule changes...

(And Vons)



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I laughed several times during the Mailbag 'cause of your answers.


Dunno why I found this funny, but I laughed the most at this:


96) What is your relationship with your parents?

96) I'm their son.


Probably 'cause I was already chuckling slightly as I read through your answers, and then found that slightly funny so laughed more than I would have.


Not that you care. =P


Anyway, good weekly update. Possibly the best Mailbag I've read.


Though when you said the RPG forum was your favorite, I assume that's because you like playing RPGs. If so, then did you used to play them often before you were an admin? When did you stop?



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