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Knees And Nationals



The past few days have been the indoor national championships for NAIA, and all ten of the athletes from my university who qualified for it placed in the top fifteen in their respective events, with three of them placing in the top six in their events (thus reaching All-American status). Plus, they pretty much rewrote our school records doing all of this, which is phenomenal. AND, to add on to how well the team has done, one of our other runners competed at the masters indoor track world championships that took place in Canada this weekend, and she ended up taking fourth in the Pentahalon, second in the 800m, and third in a 4x200m relay.


So, what do I do to add on to all of these achievements that my teammates have had this weekend?


I go and dislocate my kneecap. Again. For the....what is this, the 14th time now? I'm losing count.


I'm torn on whether or not I should tell my coaches that it happened. I mean, they'll obviously notice that I'm suddenly wearing a knee brace and walking oddly, but I have a feeling that they'll probably be all "no outdoor season for you!" with no discussion of the subject, when it's really not something that would take me out of the entire track season. I guess it'll be back to wearing that confounded knee brace, more time trying to re-strengthen my knee, and becoming best friends with an ice pack for now.


Pardon my aggravated ramblings here, but goodness, this is frustrating. Almost made it three years without any knee problems and literally one misstep messed it all up again.


And excuse me while I go and contemplate ways to destroy my computer mouse, due to it's newfound glitch of randomly deciding to click on things that it shouldn't. Like RANDOMLY DRAFTING BLOG ENTRIES and causing MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF CONFUSION BECAUSE OF IT.




(and 150 days until BrickFair!!!)

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I remember when I dislocated my kneecap, when I slammed it into a fence corner in a sled. Fortunately I was able to pop it back in. :)
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