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Facts About Your New And Improved Ka-boom



I'd insert a disclaimer here about how this is not ego maniacal, but I can't offer an excuse. My apologies! But yeah, these facts are really my way of communicating how things have changed in terms of everything Bzpower related since I was last around. Because let's face it; you're not going to be seeing a lot of me around the forums.




- If I'm on Bzpower, chances are I am really, really bored. Nothing against this site or anything, but I decided to move on from general internet socializing. So yeah if I'm on here it's probably because my friends forgot what cellphones were.


- I'd really, really be gracious if you'd refer to me as something other than "Ka" . There is a long history with that nickname, and I personally find it very annoying. If it's all you know me by, I don't mind. But if you're one of my more known friends, just call me by my name, alright? Appreciated.


- Remember those Transformers Desecration RPGs I made? Well if you could kindly quit badgering me about future sequels, prequels, and all that goobly nonsense, you'd have my thanks. Those were fun back during the day *Yeah it wasn't that long ago, I know, but you know what I mean* but they're history. I've got better ways to spend my spare time then have to police adolescents because they can't start out with Raptor jet thingies and bizarre incidents involving giant advanced sentient robots raiding a Toys R Us. I admit every once in awhile I daydream about going back to the spin-off lore I created, but no. Phantom's long since been reincarnated in one of my WIP novels *which means it'll probably never see the light of day* with a less goofy name.


-I don't even know how long I've been on this site and frankly I'd rather not remember. I look back and find it disturbing that I used to think this place could substitute a real social life.


-DX and Israefel are really the only two Bzp'ers I actively talk to on here- if we've talked in the past, feel free to drop a PM by to get reacquainted- don't be shy, I rarely bite.


-I have found myself in a debate about whether or not I should sell my old Bionicle toys. On one hand they do consist of 9 years of my childhood joy, but on the other I'm at the age where saving up money ought to be one of my priorities. Sentimental value or price value- which weighs more?


-If I could travel back a mere 2-3 years for only 5 minutes, I'd call my past-self an [Removed. -Shine]. No, seriously. I look back on all the internet drama I brewed up and wonder what the heck must have been going through my skull at the time. Well, at least I gave people entertainment.


-Virtually the one thing that has remained unchanged over the course of the past few years involving Bzpower is my obsession with Gman. I couldn't explain it if I tried.


-Teal used to be my absolute favorite color- probably because of Hatsune Miku. Now I find Miku a tired pop-culture icon and purple is my favorite color. Who woulda thunk?


-I think Team Fortress 2 is a lame joke that refuses to die. Now before you go and bombard me with flak, I'm not badmouthing the game itself- I love the game. Heck, just add Phantomgman to your friends list and we could play some time, although I'm trying to play it less often in general. Not to mention I'm a bit bombastic while playing so you might want to lay off on it if you're easily off- OKAY GOING OFF SUBJECT. I just think Team Fortress 2's meme status tired and trite.


- I don't know where you guys found those new dancing turaga gifs, but I find them absolutely hilarious.


-Admittedly, I'm still a bit of a weaboo. A little. I enjoy the stylized forms of manga and anime, although my savings grace is that Neon Genesis Evangelion remains the only anime I've watched from beginning to end. Haven't read a manga in years, either. Although Zombie Powder and Tetragrammaton Labyrinth were pretty cool.


-It's 1 in the morning. I can feel myself slipping into a feral state- time to quit while I still have a head!




Maybe I'll add in more later- toodles!


Recommended Comments

@being referred to by your name and wanting to punch the past you: kinda how I feel sometimes like, all the time. :o


@selling Bionicles: sell the ones that mean the least to you but keep the ones that you feel truly mean something special for some reason.


@GMan: B)


@you not liking Miku: zomg.gif


@Turaga avs: I saw a video a couple weeks ago that seem to be the source but I don't recall offhand where.






also I am touched you named me~

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So basically you're a boring now~

Don't worry, my dear. I might not scream and flail like a hooligan anymore but my views are still as eccentric as they've always been.

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I shall add you as my first Steam friend!

Nice to know you're not going to rip anyone's throat out.


P.S. Can I still call you Boom-chan?

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I shall add you as my first Steam friend!

Nice to know you're not going to rip anyone's throat out.


P.S. Can I still call you Boom-chan?





That'll do, that'll do.

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