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Rpg Contest Voting Changes?

Black Six


So, over the course of the past few contests, there have been some complaints that it's difficult for new RPGs to break into the top few that keep getting into the finals poll for the past few contests. I, personally, don't see an issue in the fairness of the contest, but I'm all for making as many people happy as possible. So, here's my idea, as it stands:


RPG Contest Pro/Amateur System


The system divides the entrants into two categories which separates them during the initial stages of voting.


To be in the 'Pro' category, the RPG entry must have been in the final poll of at least one of the last two RPG Contests. If an entry won any RPG contest, it also qualifies for the 'Pro' category. This is completely optional, if a member does not want their entry in this category, that's fine.


All other entries will fall into the 'Amateur' category.


The two sections of voting will go on simultaneously. In all likelihood, there will be very few entries in the 'Pro' section, meaning fewer rounds of voting. Once both have narrowed down the entries, the top five from each will go into the final poll to decide on the overall winners.


And that's it. Please note the 'Pro' and 'Amateur' names are temporary, the best I could think of at the time. In fact, everything is still in flux, and I am open to any suggestions for improving it. Do people even want to see such changes implemented, or are they fine with the current system?


I want to hear from you guys!


PS - GO VOTE in RPG Contest #4!


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Sounds good :) Although perhaps adding an extra day to each poll would be nice... If I think of any other things, I'll be sure to tell ya :)

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That sounds a bit unfair. xD I really don't get all the complaints. I think that people are just complaining because they are being beaten by better RPGs. Well, if you're going to use that new system anyway, you might want to change it from 5 Pros / 5 Amateurs in the final poll to like 7 Pros / 3 Amateurs or something. But don't we already have it like that? By adding third place winners to the poll as well?

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I think some of the amateurs have a point. When "The Academy" and "The Deep" are the only RPGs that you can play after they've won a contest, and they did win for a good reason, they're both great RPGs, they eventually build up a big fanbase and get a bunch more votes in the next poll. That's why you instated the 4 consecutive contest rule, obviously. Perhaps the pro poll could produce two RPGs, and the amateur poll could produce one. That way, a new RPG is guaranteed to surface every time, although that does mean some pro RPGs might not last too long. I'm for new entries having a separate poll so they don't get stomped in the preliminaries, but I'm not entirely sure how their final polls should take place.

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I'm finding that I agree with Celeste. Some are better than others, If you want to win? Make an RP that looks like it.. I had never heard of AHC before it began to own in the polls. It's an amazing RP now.

That's my view.

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I just find myself thinking that the tenure limitations on the winning RPGs form enough of a check that this is not needed. The time for the other tenacious RPGs that haven't made it in the polls yet will come.
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To tell you the truth I woudlnt even look at the Amateur polls even if some of my favorite rpgs are there. If they cant win then redo it. Many of the problems with the "Amateur" rpgs is either spelling or they are too short. The few good ones that dont win are usally becuase it oesnt allow them to rp as freely or allow them to be a toa.Or it is cuase they arent a well known member. Examples for winners.


Acad-long, good spelling, written by famous member(Doc was known by anyone who spent time in GD or S&T or Comics), and ownign storyline


Batle for BZP- very long and spelling was good, storyline ok


Bionicle Kingdoms- Popular well known member, storyline was spetacular, gramma was perty good


Search for Metru-Nui-Very very very famous members made it


Deep:First win by default but it became very good


AHC: Unbelivably long and a kick donkey stlye storyline.


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