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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 164a, 184a, & 204-210



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.


The revised one-hundred-sixty-fourth article proposed by Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar hereby propose that the consequence of "Probation" administered upon "TOA" Erebus Nuva as a result of his violation of the "C.I.R.C.L.E. Participation Policy" be lifted.


As a result, his votes shall once again be counted as "5/5" of one tally, furthermore, all his other membership privileges shall return to normal at the time of this article's confirmation as well.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The revised one-hundred-eighty-forth article proposed by Iro is as follows:

Iro hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a mysterious helm known as the Ţevch (ZHEHVK), which grants the user the ability to plan out the end result of a sequence of events, then implement this desire, and due to a chain reaction, it will occur, provided the outcome was within reason.


For example, if a user wished to move a boulder that was too large to do so under the user's own power, they could use a Ţevch to initiate a series of events that would, in the end, somehow move the boulder. It must be noted however the user cannot control when or how the necessary sequence of events will occur, only that they will result in the desired conclusion. Furthermore, there are sometimes consequences of a Ţevch's use, which tend to vary depending upon the will of the user. The weaker the will, the more negative the consequences may be will be, thus in the above quoted example, the boulder might end up being moved, but if the user had a weak will, there is a good chance of them being injured by a charging Kane-Ra stampede that ended up moving the boulder, or something of the like. Meanwhile, beings with stronger wills tend to have their action accomplished with minimal or no harm done to them.


Also, a specific user may only use any given Ţevch once and only once before the helmet is rendered useless to that user. The Ţevch itself does not become powerless however, and can therefore be passed on to a new user who could then exercise a single use of their own.


Ţevch are not native to Spherus Magna and their origin remains unknown. Some say that a Ţevch served as a prototype for Kanohi, meanwhile others insist that not even the Great Beings knew that such a helmet existed at the time of the Kanohi's development. There are two Ţevch that are known to exist; one in the Matoran Universe, and a second that was once in the possession of the Great Being named Yzaa. Yzaa gave his Ţevch to the being named Ulreq, who retains possession of it despite having used its' power.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-fourth article proposed by Zorrakh is as follows:

Zorrakh hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" around 900 Y.A.G.C., many Toa and Matoran from across the Matoran Universe traveled to the Isle of Marak Nui to seek shelter and a better opportunity at life, after a team of thirty-six Toa claimed the island as their own. The peak number of Toa citizens was close to one-thousand as Toa were used as the military on the island and the peak number of Matoran citizens was around five-thousand. Although some Steltians and Vortixx live in the coast of Lihvik Bay, the island’s population consists mostly of Toa and Matoran.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-fifth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist regions that are governed by a serf system, most notably on the Isle of Stelt.


Matoran work under this system in exchange for passage, or tools, or anything they need, and most work for other Matoran, Steltians, or someone else who has "ownership" over them. This system of governing is outlawed on more "sophisticated" islands such as the Island City of Metru Nui, but on other islands, like the aforementioned Stelt, it remains the tried and true method.


In some cases, a Matoran will be bought into serfdom as a result of being unable to repay someone, effectively making them more of a slave, and the system defends the rights of the "owner" over those of the "enslaved" Matoran. This serfdom can last from a day to one-hundred years, it all depends on why the system was implemented in any given situation. If the debt was high, chances are it will be at least one year before compensation is given. However if the debt was low, servitude is more likely only a week or two.


Some less-fortunate Matoran have been forcibly placed into serfdom out of fear for their lives, but this occasion is atypical, except for on Stelt, where Matoran have good reason to fear for their lives with so many more powerful, and less morally bound beings around.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-sixth article proposed by Zorrakh is as follows:

Zorrakh hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the Isle of Marak Nui consists mostly of metallic Protodermis and for this reason, the early inhabitants of the island mined extensively and sold the Protodermis. Their main consumer was the Isle of Xia, who required the substance for most of their projects and items for retail. The Brotherhood of Makuta and the Nynrah Ghosts also bought large quantities of the Marak Nui Protodermis.


An incident on the Isle of Marak Nui that occurred around the same time as the dissolving of the League of Six Kingdoms killed all the island’s inhabitants. For several years no one dared to even travel through the Dome of Marak Nui for fear that they would experience the same fate as the original inhabitants. As a repercussion of that event, no more Protodermis was mined, and so Xia’s production rate decreased dramatically until they could some other sources to buy the necessary resources from.


The Isle of Marak Nui has since been repopulated, thus mining has now resumed, and at a higher rate than before.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-seventh article proposed by Zahaku is as follows:

Zahaku hereby proposes that parallel to the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist two alternate universes known as "The Empire of Kohilå Alternate Universe" and "The Republic of Darkness Alternate Universe". Each of these two universes have a set of armour similar to the Farcron Armour found in "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" and can be accessed by use of one of the three suits of armour.


In the "The Empire of Kohilå Alternate Universe", Tuyet formed the Toa Empire and seized control of the Matoran Universe. Lhikan and Nidhiki were imprisoned after their fight with Tuyet. The Toa Hytrax formed a group known as the "Reflections of the Sword", an organization dedicated returning the universe to its’ pre-Toa Empire state. Many others joined them including two Toa of Rahi named Zåhåku and Kohilå. The two were sent on a spy mission, but were discovered and as they fled ran into Empress Tuyet herself. Zåhåku was killed and enraged, Kohilå killed Tuyet in self-defense. He then took command of the Toa Empire and set himself against his former allies. The technology in this universe is actually less-advanced than most, with weaponry consisting largely of simple swords, axes, spears, etc., and the only ranged weapons being bows.


In the "The Republic of Darkness Alternate Universe", Takanuva formed an army of Toa of Light when he learnt that Teridax, a rogue member of the Brotherhood of Makuta, was creating an army of Shadow Toa, though it is unknown how these armies were formed as no Matoran had disappeared. The war destroyed the lives of thousands across the Matoran Universe before a third army, made up of members of nearly every species, and led by a Toa of Darkness, emerged. The survivors of the first two armies were imprisoned and a purge of all things related to both Light and Shadow began in an effort to bring about balance. Many of the Makuta were executed and the Av-Matoran were imprisoned. As the universe set to rebuild, the leader of the third army vanished, and the Republic of Darkness was created in his honor. The technology in this universe is virtually identical to that of "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-eighth article proposed by Zorrakh is as follows:

Zorrakh hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the word "Zagranok" (ZAH-gruh-nahk) shall henceforth be considered an adjective in the Matoran language used to describe an individual who is openly against the concept of the Three Virtues, namely Dark Hunters, Makuta, and traitorous Toa. The word itself is a blend of the prefix "Za-", meaning "fear", the noun "Gra", meaning "pride", and the noun "Nok", meaning "darkness".


This term is also the name Toa Horrakah Zorrakh chose to give the sword he uses as his Toa Tool.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-ninth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe", just a few years prior to the Great Cataclysm, the Vortixx discovered a batch of viruses hidden on the Isle of Xia, each containing a trace amount of energies. Using these viruses, one Vortixx ordered the creation of a batch of stones with the energies harnessed within these viruses. As a result, the "Corps Stones" (KOHR STOHNS) contained scant measures of both Elemental Powers and Toa Power, and were employed as covert special operations weaponry.


The original goal was going to be the creation of a team of commando Matoran, each equipped with a Corps Stone of their element. Using the stone, they would be able to unleash the energy into their body, becoming a Toa for about ten minutes at a time, until the energy would run out and need to recharge for about an hour. In this form, they would have all the typical Toa abilities, and their Kanohi would become Great.


The plan was scrapped when the Great Cataclysm hit, but some still saw potential, and started selling the Corps Stones. A few Makuta saw that they would be useful, and purchased them en mass for their own goals. Some of the more corrupt ones started using their powers of Darkness and Anger to taint Matoran minds momentarily, so they could use their superior mental powers to rewire the Matoran's brains, and keep them in a state of this evil. Then, giving them the stones, the Makuta would have a fighting force to wield in combat as a small army. The idea became known as "Project: Toa Corps" (PRAH-ject TOH-uh KOHR).


Corps Niveau Un (KOHR NIH-voh OOHN) - "Level One" - the "initial" form, giving the user all powers of a standard Toa.


Corps Niveau Deux (KOHR NIH-voh DOO) - "Level Two" - the "bestial" form, taken after Un fails, much more powerful in all regards, faster, stronger, and more deadly. The instincts of the user start to devolve to an extent, however, and they become more Rahi-like.


Corps Niveau Trois (KOHR NIH-voh TWAH) - "Level Three" - the "concept" form, one that should never be taken, for once used, nothing can stop it. Even the creators of the Corps Stones and the Makuta themselves fear this. In concept, the user becomes a massive beast, towering over any structure on the island - approximately half the size of the Coliseum of Metru Nui. This form's powers are relatively unknown, but what is assumed that the mind would be completely shattered, and replaced by that of nothing more than a wild Rahi.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-tenth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist suits of armor known as "Exo-Armor" (EK-soh-AHR-mer). Similar to an Exo-Toa, this armor is created for Matoran use in order to increase their strength and overall range of capabilities. The armor raises them to nearly the size of a Toa, but is bulkier in some cases depending upon the specific model of Exo-Armor. The associated weaponry also varies, but most use the same operating system, as well as a self-contained energy source derived from the harnessed power of Lava-Gems. The suits are made in situations where there are little to no Toa or other such defenders, thus allowing for the Matoran to fend for themselves.


Exo-Armor suits are very heavy, and as such difficult to move around when not being controlled. Skillfully controlling the suits also takes years to learn and longer to master. Most model suits are simply ground units, but variations of Exo-Armor exist for air, water, heat, or subterranean usage, amongst other specialties. All models of Exo-Armor suits are very costly and resource-intensive to build, but are typically very much worth creating.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our group structure and joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all nine articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, April 12th, 2010 provided at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. members will be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.




UPDATE: Article 164a has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", next

Article 184a has passed with a total of "SIXTEEN AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE", meanwhile

Articles 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, & 210 have all passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION" and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments

Article 164- Aye. I hate probations.

Article 184- Aye. Nice revisions, Iro.

Article 204- Aye.

Article 205- Aye- Feudalism FTW!

Article 206- Aye

Article 207- Aye.

Article 208- Aye.

Artilce 209- Aye, although I dislike the use of nubers in a language I cannot speak/understand.

Article 210- Aye




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164: Aye, no reason to see why it shouldn't be lifted

184: Aye, I enjoy the backlash of weak will, and the benefits of strong will. Works for me

204: Aye, it seems like a great idea for various works in the future

205: Aye, it's mine

206: Aye, no problems with that turn of events

207: Aye, both are set in alternate universes, so no problems with them. And both sound like great ideas

208: Aye, a great term, in my opinion

209: Aye, mine

210: Aye, mine

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Aye to Article 164a


Aye to Article 184a


Aye to Article 204


Aye to Article 205. I've got a question, though: could the payment method be fighting in the gladiator pits on Stelt, hypothetically speaking?


Aye to Article 206


Aye to Article 207


Aye to Article 208


Aye to Article 209


Aye to Article 210. I like the idea, however I think some of the C.I.R.C.L.E. members shouod make MoCs of the variations of the Exo-armor. Just an idea. :unsure:

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Technically, fighting in the gladiator system could be payment, in a sense, depending on the situation.


And I have multiple MOCs of the armor already made, with Matoran inside. At least three models (ground, sky and water).

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164: Aye

184: Hmmm... it does seem like the Mask of Possibilities, but the backlash on will makes it different, so Aye

204: Aye, I see no reason to oppose it

205: Aye, Seems very interesting, pretty much the same as indentured servitude

206: Aye, very interesting... you could probably write a whole epic on the event =)

207: Ah, alernate universes are always really fun and both of these sound cool, Aye

208: Aye, very good term, and that sounds very Eragonish that the Toa named his sword that. THat would be cool that if he said the name it would glow with those virtues xD.

209: Aye, very interesting and well explained

210: Aye, sounds like a right of passage to learn how to wield this armor

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I happily vote "AYE" on Article 164a, welcome back to my friend Erebus Nuva. :lol:


Next, I also vote "AYE" on Article 184a. Personally I think this is one of the most creative and out-of-the-box rewrites we've ever had for previously defeated measure, so good job Iro. :D


Meanwhile, I vote "AYE" on Articles 204-210 as well, as I see no reason to oppose them. The two governmental proposals will certainly make things interesting, furthermore the economic and alternate universes are also quite good, meanwhile the words and objects are all fantastic additions to the group.


Lastly, I am still curious to hear about how and why does this third stage of Article 209 results from what was intended to be a typical Matoran-Toa transformation?


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164: Aye

184: Aye, I think that Glatorian should be put on even terms with their successors

204: Aye, see no reason to oppose

205: Aye, it is an interesting concept

206: AYe

207: Aye

208: Aye, This is a cool way to describe Erebus before becoming a Toa

209: AYe

210: Aye, But it kinda sounds like the Boxor



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164a- Aye, welcome back.

184a- Aye, thats a good revision. :lol:

204- Aye, no reason to oppose.

205- Aye, intresting proposal.

206- Aye, no reason to oppose.

207- Aye, its my proposal.

208- Aye, intresting word.

209- Aye, intresting concept. I have a question though, could a Toa use one of these stones and become more powerful? Particularly the second and third variations.

210- Aye, another intresting concept.



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The stones were designed for Matoran, so a Toa wouldn't be able to. Nor would a Turaga. It's just designed for Matoran.

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164a: Aye, no reason to oppose.


184a: Originally I denied this because it sounded too impractical; the revisions haven't really changed this, but I suppose I will vote Aye because with the new details I just feel like it's so well thought out that I don't have a good enough reason to deny it.


205: Aye, this seems like a pretty good idea.


206: Aye, again, no reason to oppose.


207: Aye, both seem like good ideas.


208: Aye, I like the sound of the word.


209: Aye, I have always liked the idea of Matoran being able to temporarily transform into Toa, and the different forms add an interesting element to it.


210: Aye, another good idea that makes Matoran characters more capable.

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164: Aye.


184: Aye. I myself like the idea of having this object being "something else" as opposed to a Kanohi, even if a very powerful one.


205: Aye; no reason to oppose.


206: Aye; no reason to oppose.


207: Aye; no reason to oppose.


208: Aye; no reason to oppose.


209: Aye; no reason to oppose.


210: Aye; no reason to oppose.

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164th- Aye.

184th- Aye.

204th- Aye.

205th- Aye.

206th- Aye.

207th- Aye.

208th- Aye.

209th- Aye.

210th- Aye.

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Article 164 a: Aye, don’t see any reason to oppose it.

Article 184 a: Aye, I like it.. very interesting.

Article 204: Aye, seems reasonable.

Article 205: Aye, very cool..

Article 206: Aye, no reason to oppose.

Article 207: Aye, an interesting idea.

Article 208: Aye

Article 209: Aye, I really like this idea.

Article 210: Aye, very very cool :D



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164a- AYE

184a- AYE, although I'm not sure I fully support the idea, it is a good revision.

204- AYE. A huge colony of Toa sounds cool.

205- AYE.

206- AYE.

207- AYE. As they are alternate universes, I see no reason to oppose.

208- AYE. Nice job incorporating the prefixes.

209- UNDECIDED. Stage three seems a little outlandish. Half the size of the Colisseum? Seems too big to me. AYE.

210- AYE. Suits for Matoran are fun.

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164: Aye

184: Nay, way too powerful for my tastes. It can only be used once, but...yeah.

204: Aye, I dont have any problems.

205: Aye

206: Aye

207: Aye, nothing really wrong with it.

208: Aye

209: Aye

210: Aye

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"AYE" to Article 164a.

"AYE" to Article 184a.

"AYE" to Article 204.

"AYE" to Article 205.

"AYE" to Article 206.

"AYE" to Article 207.

"AYE" to Article 208.

"AYE" to Article 209. Though I do have some questions. See below.

"AYE" to Article 210.

About Article 209:

To Chocolvr- We've seen multiple Rahi described on such a large scale, namely the prehistoric Rahi that were studied by Mavrah, Whenua, and Onepu. Also, the Rahi Nui was capable growing to that height or larger.


To Ausar- I believe that it is the nature of the viruses and/or the energies used in the making of the Corps Stones that causes the more bestial effects in the Corps Niveau Deux and Trois.


What I'm curious about is the power levels and the after-effects of the Stones on the user. The purity of the protodermis used to make Kanoka discs determines the disc's power level. Do the Corps Stones work in a similiar way, the greater the concentration of viruses/energies, the higher power level? Are the Corps Stones somehow addictive to the users? Do the higher level Stones leave the user's mind in the more Rahi-like state after the Stones' energy ran out? If it even does, the Article is not very clear about the power duration of the Stones that are in existance. It only tells how long the Stones' power duration were originally designed.

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So sorry! Yahoo is horrible, so here goes...


164a: Aye.


184a: Sounds really cool, and with obvious reprocutions to its great power. Aye.


204: Aye.


205: Slavery. Oh, goodie. Adds a good amount of realism and humanity to the universe. Aye.


206: Curious death is curious. Aye.


207: Aye.


208: Aye.


209: GODZILLA!! Sorry, couldn't resist. :P Aye.


210: Matoran can have wepaons, too. Makes you wonder why these aren't true canon... Aye.


(Despite my voting 'Aye' on all, I did read the articles.)




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Article 164a: Aye, a large grin emoticon for Erebus, :D .

Article 184a: Aye, mysterious controlling force? Always welcome!

Article 204: Aye, Large Military based island, is it really even a question what I would say to this?

Article 205: Aye, as said before, the feudal system is amazing.

Article 206: Aye

Article 207: Aye

Article 208: Aye, another term to inspire anger, a good way to stop the need for cursing.

Article 209: Aye, giant monsters! Yes, I love Godzilla.

Article 210: Aye, seems like a slight revival of the Boxor, which makes me happy, that was an amazing set.


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Alright, here's how I vote on all articles:


Article 164a: Aye, his probation should be lifted, as his infraction was a while ago. Good to have you back, Erebus.

Article 184: Aye.

Article 204: Aye.

Article 205: Aye, although this seems like a wierd concept to me, considering that Bionicle does not take place in midieval Europe. However, as long as this serf system concerns only Stelt, that's fine.

Article 206: Aye.

Article 207: Aye. But there are too many alternate universes nowadays for me to get straight! :wacko:

Article 208: Aye.

Article 209: Aye.

Article 210: Aye. In particular, I like this one, as it seems like a logical next step after the Boxor and would be quite useful.



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Article 164a has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION" and thus supersedes Article 164.

Article 184a has passed with a total of "SIXTEEN AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE" and thus supersedes Article 184.

Article 204 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

Article 205 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

Article 206 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

Article 207 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

Article 208 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

Article 209 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

Article 210 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

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