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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 211-217



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.


The two-hundred-eleventh article proposed by Cap'n K is as follows:

Cap'n K hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists an eighth tribe of Bara Magna known as the "Darkness Tribe", or the "Kingdom of Ai" (KING-duhm UHV IGH).


The Darkness Tribe existed on Spherus Magna before "The Shattering", but was isolated, its’ existence only known by their own kind and the Rock Tribe. After The Shattering, the Kingdom of Ai suffered significant damage but survived and they rebuilt their village, which was located near a pole of Bara Magna where sunlight rarely touched. It should be noted however, that the number of bioluminescent organisms that naturally inhabited the area provided the city with light.


The Darkness Tribe does not communicate with the other tribes, and most likely does not know of their existences, and therefore do not take part in traditional Glatorian arena matches as the other tribes do in order to survive. Agori and warrior-class Glatorian species belonging to the Darkness Tribe typically wear black, violet, and gray armoring.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-twelfth article proposed by Tohunga Tahnok is as follows:

Tohunga Tahnok hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there resides a species of amphibians called the "Corruns" (KOHR-uhns), a species native to the Isle of Corrunai.


The Corruns are frog-like in appearance, and very aggressive, a trait being cultivated further by the Makuta of Corrunai, Lerra. They are masters of disguise. They can change the texture, pigmentation, and other aspects of their skin at will, allowing then to disguise themselves as almost anything, from rocks to trees, to water. They have a large gills along their abnormally long tail, and use a primitive set of lungs to breath while above water. Their skin color normally ranges from dark yellow to reddish-green in appearance, and they average a height of five-and-three-quarter-bio-high. The Corruns have sharp claws, and hunt with a weak poison, used to simulate the affects of a narcotic in other species, making them more docile and therefore easily devoured.


The Corruns have no spoken language, but are instead telepathic, communicating with one another through a series of mental bursts of sound, color, light, and shadow. The language cannot be learned, except by others with telepathic abilities, which is why Makuta Lerra managed to pick up the basics of Corrunese through contact with the natives. Lerra hopes to use her control and understanding of the Corruns as a bartering chip for promotion higher into the ranks of the Brotherhood of Makuta.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-thirteen article proposed by Zorrakh is as follows:

Zorrakh hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there existed a faction known as the "Cult of Xarkhan" (KUHLT UHV ZAHR-kann) that was formed around 99,000 Y.B.G.C. and disbanded around the same time as the dissolving of the League of Six Kingdoms.


The center of worship was on the Isle of Marak Nui where Makuta Xarkhan secretly set up the Cult, unbeknownst to the rest of his species, including Miserix. The worshippers were mostly made up of Toa and Matoran, however a small number of other species also participated, but it was more difficult for them to to hide "The Mark".


The Mark was the symbol of Makuta Xarkhan that was burned onto the forehead, then usually covered up by a Kanohi; the scare burned and glowed when Makuta Xarkhan called them to worship. As a sign of surrender when at the alter, the participants removed their masks, The Mark glowing brightly. Over time, the members found strengthen in this repeated exposure, to the point where one who had been a part of the Cult for some time hardly felt any effects from removing their Kanohi.


Once a year, the Cult of Xarkhan selected one of their number to be offered up to the Makuta, who impaled the being with his extending limbs and used his powers of mimicry to duplicate the voice of the sacrificed. Using them as an "Oracle" to order his cult to construct buildings, ships, mining equipment, etc, Xarkhan had a great city built, with a single tower reaching to the roof of the Dome of Marak Nui. The Cult practiced many other things that mostly dealt in violence and murder, many of which are unspeakable, even amongst Skakdi.


Over time, the Cult of Xarkhan worshiped less often, constructed whatever they wished, and hardly ever consulted their "God". Xarkhan eventually wiped most of them out by raising the coast of the island and covering all of Marak Nui beneath a massive avalanche of debris, causing the great city to sink into the ground. As a result, the Cult was disbanded. A very small number of former Cult members remain alive and do not wish to speak of what they had done.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-fourteen article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there resides a species known as the "Eruo" (UUH-row), commonly referred to as "The Scourge".


The species is comprised of three hierarchical groups. The lowest are insectoid soldiers simply called "Eruo", that are about one-and-one-third-bio-tall, armed with powerful muscles and claws, and are the main invasion force. The middle class are called "Junkers" (YOONG-kehrs), and are the commanders. They're about one-and-one-half-bio-tall, and are less muscular, but have powers over Water, similar to those of a Toa. The highest class are dubbed "Rges" (REH-ges) and stand over two-and-one-fifth-bio-tall. They wear thick, dark armor and wield powerful weaponry, in addition to having horns on their heads. Most exhibit limited powers of Fire and Shadow, as well as have the ability to steal life force from any other member of their species - thus becoming instantly healed by sacrificing any worthless soldiers that they have, or prisoners of their own kind.


The Eruo were the original inhabitants of the Isle of Tren Krom, but were compelled to migrate once Tren Krom was imprisoned there. The species then became a swarming war-like breed, with the intention of utilizing the lower castes to overtake islands with their soldiers, and then, the Rges would move in, and "negotiate" with the defeated enemies to seize their lands, and imprison their peoples. The Hand of Artakha however crushed these endeavors and banished the Eruo to the Southern Islands. There they lived on the Isle of Artidax in relative peace until once again they had to abandon their adoptive home when Makuta Miserix was imprisoned there. After their forced relocations, the Eruo spread throughout the Matoran Universe, but most found their way under one of their rulers, Czar Everto, back to the Western Islands and the Isle of Angelus Nui, where they took refuge in the mountains.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-fifteenth article proposed by Zorrakh is as follows:

Zorrakh hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a faction known as the "Light Brigade" (LAHYT bri-GAYD), a secretive organization that was created to destroy evil.


Several years before the Great Time Slip, that occurred 59,000 Y.B.G.C. where many Av-Matoran were scattered across the Matoran Universe, seven Av-Matoran discovered one Toa Stone for each of the party, and later were transformed into Toa of Light. All seven swore an oath to defend what was good and right and to purge evil and darkness from their universe, no matter the cost. Over time, their purpose was warped, and while hunting down perceived evil, they became willing to even torture any beings that felt were withholding information related to their targets. The Light Brigade's base of operations is now the Isle of Marak Nui, although no one knows for certain where exactly they are located, and their current target is Makuta Xarkhan.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-sixteenth article proposed by Cap'n K & Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Cap'n K & Toa_Ausar hereby propose that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists an isolated sect of Onu-Matoran devoted to the Sand aspect of their Earth powers, known as the "Nepu" (NEE-poo).


The Nepu hail from the village of Valrah-Koro on the Southern Continent and wear Tan and other Brown armoring instead of the more traditional darker shades associated with their tribe, so as to blend in better with their Mainland Desert environment. An Onu-Matoran Nepu who transforms into a Toa has very limited control over Earth in its' purest form, however they have far more control over Sand than an ordinary Toa of Earth does.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-seventeenth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there resides a species of creatures known as the "Sleepers" (SLEE-pers).


Considered one of the weakest species that live within of "The Void", that is to say the space between dimensions, they are minuscule, and almost invisible to the naked eye. They seep into the bodies of a host, usually a Matoran with a weak constitution, and remain dormant inside of the body. After an incubation period, typically around one-hundred years or so, the "Sleeper" awakens, and possesses the body of the host. When under full possession of a Sleeper, the host becomes faster, stronger, and more resilient. They acquire the ability to mutate their body, typically a single limb, into a grotesque, blade-like form.


Sleepers seem to have a communication system built into their being in order to speak to the other members of their cell division on any given island and they internally house an organically built explosive. The goals of the Sleeper species as a whole are simply to kill other species and seek out their brethren in a future attempt to try to rule this new land by leaving "The Void" once and for all, with all of their kind united once more in the Matoran Universe.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our group structure and joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all seven articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, April 12th, 2010 provided at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. members will be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.




UPDATE: Articles 211, 212, 213, & 214 have all passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", on the other hand,

Article 215 failed to pass due to "INSUFFICIENT VOTER TURNOUT", next

Article 216 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", meanwhile

Article 217 has passed with a total of "SIXTEEN AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE" and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments

Article 211- Aye

Article 212- Aye

Article 213- Aye. Seret cults are fun:D

Article 214- Aye

Article 215- Aye

Article 216- Aye. Toa of Sand. Sounds preety cool.

Article 217- Aye




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211: Aye, no problems with it, personally, since my Bara Magna work isn't in the C.I.R.C.L.E. canon

212: Aye, good species idea, and I always like a female Makuta as a part of the basis

213: Aye. Religious cult? Of course. And everything in it sounds great, with their practices and everything else

214: Aye, mine

215: Aye, sounds important to an epic, and a great idea with somewhat corrupt Toa of Light

216: Aye, sounds like a great idea. I like it that they would go against their own element, and it paid off

217: Aye, mine

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Aye to Article 211


Aye to Article 212


Aye to Article 213


Aye to Article 214


Aye to Article 215


EDIT: Aye to Article 216.


Aye to Article 217

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I vote "AYE" on Articles 211-214, as I see no reason to oppose any of them and enjoy the diverse creativity outlined therein.


On the other hand, I vote "NAY" Article 215 leaning towards a "VETO" on the grounds that GregF has repeatedly said that Takanuva is the first and only Toa of Light in the Matoran Universe, thus there cannot have been an entire team of them tens of thousands of years before Takua's transformation. :uhuh:


Next, I vote "AYE" on Article 216 and would like to point out that people shouldn't let color schemes fool them. GregF has stated that in the "Matoran Universe", "Sand" became "Earth" because there wasn't a large desert like "Bara Magna", meanwhile clearly it was "Rock" that became "Stone".


Lastly, I vote "AYE" on Article 217 as well, since once again I see no reason to oppose it.


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I would like to point out that in a previous proposition regarding the removing of the limit of how many Toa there currently are in the Matoran Universe, the general consensus was that there can be Toa that weren't included in that census, even though GregF was the one that said that there are only 53 Toa currently in the Matoran Universe, and so the proposition was turned down.


Also, the C.I.R.C.L.E has stated that there were some Makuta that survived Makuta Teridax's takeover and the Order's attack on the Brotherhood of Makuta, even though GregF has stated that all the Makuta were killed, save for Makuta Miserix, the Alternate Dimension Teridax, and the Matoran Universe Teridax.


I don't mean to sound rude, but where do we draw the line for what we consider Canon and what's not?


As for the sand issue, thanks for clearing that up, Ausar; I change my vote for that article to 'AYE.'

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I would like to point out that in a previous proposition regarding the removing of the limit of how many Toa there currently are in the Matoran Universe, the general consensus was that there can be Toa that weren't included in that census, even though GregF was the one that said that there are only 53 Toa currently in the Matoran Universe, and so the proposition was turned down.


Also, the C.I.R.C.L.E has stated that there were some Makuta that survived Makuta Teridax's takeover and the Order's attack on the Brotherhood of Makuta, even though GregF has stated that all the Makuta were killed, save for Makuta Miserix, the Alternate Dimension Teridax, and the Matoran Universe Teridax.


I don't mean to sound rude, but where do we draw the line for what we consider Canon and what's not?


As for the sand issue, thanks for clearing that up, Ausar; I change my vote for that article to 'AYE.'

The reason the proposition for more than 53 Toa was turned down was because you put it up for voting with a proposal making the CIRCLE Universe an alternate universe, that's why it was turned down. You could of put an article changing the census count of Toa without the Alternate universe proposal. It might have a better chance that way.


Also, here's my votes:

Aye to Article 211, This sounds very interesting. Kind of like a Lost Tribe. It also seems important for an epic.


Aye to Article 212, Very cool creatures


Aye to Article 213, Very morbid


Aye to Article 214


With what Ausar said, I vote Nay to Article 215


Aye to Article 216.


Aye to Article 217

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I would like to point out that in a previous proposition regarding the removing of the limit of how many Toa there currently are in the Matoran Universe, the general consensus was that there can be Toa that weren't included in that census, even though GregF was the one that said that there are only 53 Toa currently in the Matoran Universe, and so the proposition was turned down.


Also, the C.I.R.C.L.E has stated that there were some Makuta that survived Makuta Teridax's takeover and the Order's attack on the Brotherhood of Makuta, even though GregF has stated that all the Makuta were killed, save for Makuta Miserix, the Alternate Dimension Teridax, and the Matoran Universe Teridax.


I don't mean to sound rude, but where do we draw the line for what we consider Canon and what's not?

Okay, so here's the thing. As you said, GregF said the Toa census was current to the year 1,001 A.G.C. within the Matoran Universe, thus it pertains only to that specific point in time and certainly does not effect the historical numbers, for instance hundreds of Toa took part in the Toa/Dark Hunter War, meanwhile it does not preclude the existence of more Toa thereafter.


Next, I opposed the idea of Makuta surviving the culling, however the mechanism by which they were said to have survived was very creative for being both inadvertent, as well as, beyond the scope of the Matoran Universe.


In short, your examples do not offer up proof that the group violates Canon principles, rather that the authors of the second proposal developed solutions that ingeniously maneuvered around the obstacles set before them, as opposed to outright ignoring them.


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Article 211 - Aye, No reason to oppose.

Article 212 - Aye, No reason to oppose.

Article 213 - Aye, No reason to oppose.

Article 214 - Aye, No reason to oppose.


Article 216 - Aye, no reason to oppose.

Article 217 - Aye, no reason to oppose.



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211: Aye, I think this is a pretty good idea.


212: Aye, interesting idea, especially their language.


213: Aye, but exactly why did Xarkhan wipe out the cult? That wasn't clear to me.


214: Aye, no reason to oppose.


215: Going to have to say Nay. Even ignoring the fact that Takanuva has repeatedly been said to be the first and only Toa of Light, this would just create a major plot hole. One Toa of Light was enough to worry the Makuta - six, devoted to purging evil, would certainly not have held out on killing off the entire Brotherhood a long time ago. (I suppose this article has been withdrawn anyway now, seeing as how it's been crossed out?)


216: Aye, this is a really interesting idea.


217: Aye, no reason to oppose.

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213: Aye, but exactly why did Xarkhan wipe out the cult? That wasn't clear to me.


They decided that he wasn't worth worshipping, basically, because they thought they didn't need him for anything since they thought they could do whatever they wanted on their own.

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211: Aye.


212: Aye.


213: Aye.


214: Aye.


215: Nay, on the grounds stated by Åusår and the fact that it's been crossed out.


216: Aye.


217: Aye.

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211- AYE, was there an Elemental Lord for this?

212- AYE, sound interesting to use in a story.

213- AYE, cults, as stated previously, are quite fun.

214- AYE, nice to know who made Tren Krom's island their home prior to his imprisonment there.

215- ...Erm... I think I'll just say NAY.

216- AYE, only because Greg has stated Earth to be closer to Sand. I still believe Stone should be, as Sand is miniscule particles of Stone, but this works, as well.

217- AYE.

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211: Aye

212: Aye

213: Aye

214: Aye

216: Aye

217: Nay, but I could easily be persuaded. I really dont like the mutation part, an the faster/stronger part seems a little eh.


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"AYE" to Article 211.

"AYE" to Article 212.

"AYE" to Article 213.

"AYE" to Article 214.


"AYE" to Article 216.

"AYE" to Article 217.

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Again, sorry for not voting. Yahoo is neglectful of BZP, apparently...


211: Aye.


212: I'm sorry, I can't get the picture of psychic frogs out of my head. XD I like it! Aye.


213: Aye.


214: Parasites! They sound like Parasites or Tallon Crabs. Aye.


215: Uh... I'm assuming that's a no-no.


216: Aye.


217: Aye.




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I would first like to apologize for my lack of response for this round of voting and the delays it has caused..


Article 211: Aye, no issues with it

Article 212: Aye, very cool..

Article 213: Aye, the mark thing is fairly unique

Article 214: Aye.. Big bugs, coolcool

Article 215: Nay. Conflicting reasons Ausar brings up and that those actions seem like something a toa of light would stray far from.

Article 216: Aye.. seems reasonable

Article 217: Aye.. parasites, how fun!


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I vote "AYE" on Articles 211-214, as I see no reason to oppose any of them and enjoy the diverse creativity outlined therein.


On the other hand, I vote "NAY" Article 215 leaning towards a "VETO" on the grounds that GregF has repeatedly said that Takanuva is the first and only Toa of Light in the Matoran Universe, thus there cannot have been an entire team of them tens of thousands of years before Takua's transformation. :uhuh:



I agree with Ausar on my voting for this one. I vote "Aye" on Articles 211-214 and 216-217. However, I find that Article 215 is extremely strange and tend to agree with Ausar's reasoning on Takanuva being the one and only Toa of Light. Furthermore, the argument that a Toa of Darkness be treated in the same fashion as Takanuva is void (pun intended), because one of these Toa is merely a Toa turned to evil by a Makuta, and who then had the Light sucked out completely from their body.



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Article 211: Aye, always for progress.

Article 212: Aye, I love frogs, and these take the cake.

Article 213: Aye, dark histories, forgotten cults, amazing.

Article 214: Aye, insect hives, with heirachial leadership? Splendid.

Article 215: I assume then, that 215 is null and void.

Article 216: Aye, sand has found its niche.

Article 217: Aye, reminds me of "Prototype".



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Article 211 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

Article 212 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

Article 213 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

Article 214 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

Article 215 failed to pass due to "INSUFFICIENT VOTER TURNOUT".

Article 216 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

Article 217 has passed with a total of "SIXTEEN AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE".

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