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Weekly Update - 3/12

Black Six



You know, it's really quite amazing that I do fifty-two of these each year. I'm such a glutton for punishment, or as some would say, a masochist. Oh well, here we go.



These week has really been kind of slow. There were the two Mata Nui Saga and one Journey's End updates, but those were to be expected.


There was supposed to be some maintenance this weekend, but due to some other issues (not the ones we were going to be maintenance-ing) we had to delay it. I'll do my best to let you know in advance. Hopefully this will fix some IPS Driver Errors people have been seeing here and there.


Behind the scenes stuff is still behind the scenes.


I'd just like to remind you that the BZPower staff is here to make the site a safe, family-friendly, and informative place. Any administrative action we take is what we feel is in the best interests of doing that.


On another note, we are always open to questions, ideas, and criticism, unless, of course, you're rude and insulting when you do it. We tend not to listen to those people. So carry yourself well, and we won't have any problems.


Thanks everyone, you're all awesome.



1. Quick! Lex Luther is Robbing a bank but Superman is no where to be found! Who do we call??!?! Quick Black Six! Before he gets away!


2. Leonard Nimoy or Zachary Quinto?


3. "You where the Chosen one, Anakin! You where supposed to bring balance to the force!"


4. How've you been?

1. Who you gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!

2. Do you even have to ask? Leonard Nemoy has been, and always shall be, my friend.

3. That was the best prequel, but the original trilogy still wipes the floor with it (the original ones, before George Lucas decided to add CG to them all).

4. Been better, been worse.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Ok, so, back to the grind. There are forums to catch and dragons to be slain. Questions and comments are welcome as always.


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Weekly updates aren't enough, we want daily reports on the world of Bionicle... oh, wait, yeah, that's why we have the front page news. Carry on.



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Your right about the Original three being better.



I shed tears when you said that. I mean really, that was the most emotional thing I have seen in a Star trek movie, nay, in any movie.


(Cept when Dr. Manhatten killed Rorschach in Watchmen)

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that was the most emotional thing I have seen in a Star trek movie

Epic failure.

Anyways, are the staff planning any crazy 'overhaul BZPower' schemes now that they have so much free time not looking for Bionicle updates?

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that was the most emotional thing I have seen in a Star trek movie

Epic failure.

Anyways, are the staff planning any crazy 'overhaul BZPower' schemes now that they have so much free time not looking for Bionicle updates?


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