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Can Has Sore Throat



I does, I does. This is actually one of the worst ones I've ever had. I've also got a bit of a fever. At first I thought this was from when I pulled out my "male" voice to toy with possibly auditioning for some random matoran or something. I'd forgotten how much it makes my throat hurt (and I gave myself a bloody nose recording with it too) so I ditched that idea. But that was a couple of weeks ago, and it certainly didn't hurt to breathe after that, it was just mildly uncomfortable to talk. So I'm guessing I caught something nasty recently.


Also, I thought I'd post some clips from my coliseum battle scene that I've been working on. I discovered some new brush settings that produce these very very fine lines, and are easy to use too. I'm quite fond of them now, since inking suddenly doesn't seem quite so much a chore, but I'm not sure how they look on other people's screens. To me, they look fine, but I can't be sure that they don't look pixelly elsewhere.




And yes, I'm well aware that I totally made things up when drawing both Taka and Lesovikk's backs. XD I couldn't find any reference pictures of their backs, and since my Taka is at home, and I don't even have Lesovikk... yeah.


Edit: Just for you LTT! No, really...



Messed with his neck, and fixed his Faxon. Have made other progress too, but you don't get to see that until I'm all done. XP


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Sorry to say, but Lesovikk looks weird. The neck is awkward, and the mask sorta reminds me of Kakama.


Still great tho, just not as good as the others.

Find me some better references then. XD I've noticed that no one ever takes pictures of their sets from the back, only from the front. Anyways, I wasn't really planning on leaving them in there, they're mostly there for scale reference for myself. And I quite agree that his Faxon looks like a Kakama.


Would you care to elaborate on his neck? It does look a little odd, but nothing I did was able to fix it. It occurs to me that it may be slightly too long... I haven't worked on this since I got sick though, that's why I posted it.

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Not bad...you do like flipping Nuva shoulder armor pieces around, don't ya? :P

Lies. I just don't have any with me so I don't know what they actually look like. Lol.

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Not bad...you do like flipping Nuva shoulder armor pieces around, don't ya? :P

Lies. I just don't have any with me so I don't know what they actually look like. Lol.

Lies, are they? :P Whatever, it still looks cool.

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Not bad...you do like flipping Nuva shoulder armor pieces around, don't ya? :P

Lies. I just don't have any with me so I don't know what they actually look like. Lol.

Lies, are they? :P Whatever, it still looks cool.

I just finished designing my own MOC version of Manu.


Her shoulder armor really is flipped, and I laughed.

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Ah, the new one is definitely better. Great work!

:3 Go check out the full pic if you haven't already. I need my c&c. :P


I has a new approval for you (to go with my name change).



If I ever get around to setting up an approval section I will be sure to include it. XD

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