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Vahki Who? We've Got Bigger Problems..

MT Zehvor


It would appear that the Vahki base(which is now in ruins and thoroughly covered by multiple "anti vahki units" is the least of our worries(if we have worries, which I'm not sure we do). A huge group known as the Skakdi have quietly sprung up, amassing tons of members in a short amount of time. How they plan to take over "BZ-Koro" is still unknown, so we shall watch them carefully and see what they try to do.




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BTW I think it's time for a team count:





Assassin(3rd in command)









Blackout(da new guy)


12 members in all. We're twice the size of a regular Toa team. I guess time will tell if that's good or bad.



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Oh come on, MT. They mean no harm.


I'll keep an eye on them, nonetheless.


Also, don't forget me: Mesonak, the assistant-not-a-Zehvor-but-nonetheless-involved-a-lot-kind-of-a-story-consultant-also-but-not-really.







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Hey MT, sending you a PM, just in case of any Skakdi spies.


EDIT: I don't think they mean harm, they just want to take over BZ-Koro, I was thinking about going in as your spy, but I'd have to put a link in my sig to make others join, so I've turned it down, do you think I should join, and feed you back info?


Kazi out.

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The Raptors.... The Vahki.... the Bohrok.... more Vahki.... even more goddarned Vahki.... olook, some Skakkdi. When will this end.


My report on the new force: The Skakkdi have a single minded goal of attacking and taking over BZ-Koro. Which would be bad, if we hadn't relocated to BZ-Metru in 2004. In fact, I have half a mind to just stick Mesonak in a cage, leave him without food for a month, and then finally let him out to reek havoc there myself. :P


The reason I don't do it is because I'm Janitor, and I also have to do the accounting as Treasurer.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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