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How To Make The Flaregun More Useful



Make it a revolver. Seriously. Give it six shots so the 2.02 second reload time is actually justified. As is, it's too hard to hit with, the flares go too slowly, and they can't be fired fast enough.




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You have 2 options:

1. Aim better.

2. Spam it.

Yeah, I get lag sometimes so aim's out of the question, and it reloads and shoots to slow to spam.

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I freakin' love the flare gun as much as the shotty. Heck, I can aim better with that thing that with a sniper rifle!


If the reload really bothers you, you can drastically shorten it by simply switching the weapon out and back. Completely skips the reload animation.


«Takuma Nuva»
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SWEET! Say how do make a perfect mix

of a shotgun/Flame thrower/ and a grenade launcher.

Oh god that would be OP. Grenades themselves were removed from the game because people would spam them in the original, and people Hate Demomen who spam their normal grenade launchers. Giving them a direct-fire version would send the forums in an uprage, like everything else.


And please note, guys, All I'm proposing is changing the Flaregun's clip size from one to, like, four. Everything else is the same, you just have to reload one quarter as much as you do now.

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Urgh. The flaregun.


I do agree with you though- if it was a revolver I'd totally use it. But the way it is now? I'll take the shotgun over it any day.


That's the funny thing with being a Pyro- most people suspect you to M1+W your way around but I generally use the shotgun as my primary weapon. I save the flamethrower for ambushes rather then head-on confrontations.

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