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Nuju Metru


Well, looks like I made it.


I have all of you to thank for being as great as you are. Because at the end of the day, it's really you, the people of BZPower, that keep me on here. This is the best, nicest, most polite, and most mature population of people who share my interests that I've ever found on the internet, for which I am grateful. I've made some good friends thanks to this site.


Another thing; my consolations to Velox for not winning our race. Oh well, it wasn't that important (not to him at least - I'll keep considering this important though so that I can keep rubbing it in his face. XP). Nonetheless, now you guys get to keep your eyes out for him, he's on the way.


Also, apologies for not posting here earlier - funny story, my PMship actually ran out last night, so I had to renew it. I guess that the money just didn't go through until this morning. And I didn't make my big 10K earlier, because I was saving it for posting my Alternate Teridax for the BS01 contest. Comments and critique are welcomed.


But now that I'm here, it doesn't feel quite as I imagined it, or really feel like anything at all. I mean, I suppose I'm proud of myself, but I'm not like, ecstatic, or anything, Also, it's now "official" that I spent a lot of time on BZPower, in retrospect, maybe too much. I dunno, in the past while, I've been on here progressively less, because I've been progressively getting more and more of a life, thanks to the plays I'm in.


I'm not really sure how I feel now, except that I realize that finally getting to 10,000 isn't all that it's cracked up to be, at least, not to me.


-Nuju Metru


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Congratulations again Nuju!


I have to agree with you getting to 10,000 posts isn't everything. There are hundreds of other great members who never got that far because they didn't have crazy high post rates.



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A post count of five characters... yeah, you´ve been spending a lot of time here, but I don´t see why it would be a 'waste of life' (I know you didn´t say that, but that´s how I heard it. :P ) if it´s helped you reach these skills in the areas of art, writing, and - as you demonstrate above - MOC'ing. :)


Congratulations. ^_^


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