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Final Poll For The Deadshot Contest



The C.I.R.C.L.E. Presents:



(Credit to Makar for the fantastic revised banner.)


This is a poll to choose the character who best represents the true form of the shape-shifting Dark Hunter, codenamed Deadshot, who first appeared in the C.I.R.C.L.E. Epic known as the Chronicles of Harvask (Chapters 12 & 13), and will someday be the star of his very own story.


Please choose one of the following:

  1. ~Zahaku~'s Entry Picture (Gallery)


  2. ~Whiplash~'s Entry Picture (Gallery)


  3. Nazca's Entry Picture (Gallery)


  4. Makar - Bard of The Winds' Entry Picture (Gallery)
Voting ends on Monday March 29th, 2010 at 12:00 PM PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone).


Best of luck to all the participants and may the best creation win.

Also, don't forget to vote in:
(Click for Details)


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Wow... this was a really tough decision. Anyway, after quite a bit of deliberation, I cast my ballot for:


Entry 1, ~Zahaku~'s Deadshot MOC


~ BioGaia

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First, may I say that I am quite impressed with the four entries that we received. Now, I'd like to say a few things about each-


Makar's- You give a great, old-fashioned look to Deadshot. You make him seem like a Toa, which would be great for 'undercover missions'. The staff might not be the best suited, but works nonetheless.


Nazca's/Koji's- This gives a more modern, streamlined look to Deadshot. The sword attachments on the shoulder armor is nice, however the waist is a little wide, and the legs seem a bit long compared to the body. The head on this looks amazing (I'm not great with those).


Whiplash's- I like the custom body, and the Hydraxon helmet fits it well, along with the gun. The neck seems a little long, but it may just be that the helmet is slightly small. I find that with mine, as well. The arms, while keeping great balance between orange and black and silver, are a bit short. All in all, quite good.


Zahaku's- Now, I love the lower leg armor on this, I've never thought of using Skrall armor there. The feet are creative, as well. I enjoy the multitude of weapons he carries, and love the small pistol at his thigh. The gun is rather thin, but I enjoy that you put a scope on it.



Again, I'd like to thank everyone, and finally place my vote---


My vote goes to Zahaku.

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Well it was a hard decision, mainly because the entries are so good and I didnt take the easy option and pick my own. :lol:

So my vote goes to Whiplash's Deadshot entry.

Zahaku's- Now, I love the lower leg armor on this, I've never thought of using Skrall armor there. The feet are creative, as well. I enjoy the multitude of weapons he carries, and love the small pistol at his thigh. The gun is rather thin, but I enjoy that you put a scope on it.
Well chocolovr, I didnt really want to build a massive bulky gun thats meant to be a sniper rifle. :P




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It was a tough choice, but I'm going to have to vote for Number 2, Whiplash's Entry. Good job, Whiplash, as well as to the rest of the people who entered. :)
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Well, the deadline has passed, and the poll is now closed.


The winner with an astounnding 70% of the vote is...

Special thanks to our runner-up entrant, ~Whiplash~, as well as to Nazca and Makar - Bard of The Winds, for their third and fourth place entries, respectively.


As promised, you can find the winning entry in the newly created Deadshot article on the ever expanding CIRCLEpedia. :lookhere:


Until next time.


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