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Ka-boom And Tf2



I've had myself a nice, quiet day. Nothing like wrapping up some homework, doing some painting and reading while listening to the sound of rain outside. After having an awesome dinner of baked talapia with a variety of garden goodies, I knew there was only one way to conclude this pleasant day: A mug of creamy earl gray tea with a bit of the ultra-violence. And what better group of droogs to have a little of the ol' ultra-violence than these four extraordinary gentlemen?


*I was going to make my own image, but Garys Moderator, being the annoying, revolting little thing that it is, was testing too much of my patience to spoil the evening*





Absolutely my favorite class and character. The Pyro loves nothing more than to spread anarchy and charcoal'y goodness as does your Humble Blogger. A lot of people readily dismiss the Pyro as a "noob" class utilizing M1+W as they charge into oncoming guns like lemmings. This is generally the truth. But I'm one of those few who has played as the Pyro so much that he's come to use the class skillfully. The compression blast makes the Pyro a multi-purpose wonder. As a character, I will never tire of his/her anonymity. Is he a silver-tongued devil under that mask? Or is she a generic pretty woman; or perhaps even a sociopathic old grandma? It might even be a genderly-undefinable alien under that suit! Valve, if you go with that last one I will love you forever. Sociopathic grandmother works too.


I fell into a burnin' ring of fire~...



"Vould you like a svekund opinion? YOU ARE ALL SO UGLY!"

Easily my second favorite. What is more rewarding than bringing a near-death person back to tip top shape while still having enough time to carve a pair of joker-lips on some neanderthal Soldier who thinks he can get a cheap kill on a medic with his pickaxe? The Medic is the class I choose when I don't feel the immediate need to beat something's face in, but still manage to do so anyway. A lot of people consider battle medics a joke, but I can easily disprove that a medic can keep his whole team alive while still managing to whoop some back himself. Plus, you gotta love that German accent of his.



*Okay, so 20/15 isn't much, but considering these are 20 kills-not assists- as a Medic, that is something*



"Hey, look! You shapeshifted into a dead guy!"


When I must positively make the enemy team's existence a living nightmare, I go with the Scout. The speed, the punch and the general ability to get in everyone's hair as a disgruntled, bat flailing little leaguer. Who doesn't like that? Between that and dropping one liners that make me cackle every time, the Scout is a tricky but ultimately fun character to master.


Can't argue with this





The traditional engineer is pictured as a guy cowering behind his sentry as he ranks up kill after kill. Ka-Boom's Engineer is an eccentric little man who runs around hooting "GOTTA MOVE THAT GEAR UP" while smacking people upside the head with a wrench. The Engineer is great in both defense and offense, the element of surprise being his greatest weapon. Plus, he can dance!






So if you'd like to join me in some good ol' fashion Ultra-Violence, just add Phantomgman on Steam. IF you can handle two things. One, I'm generally a nice player except when I'm not. Be prepared for colorful and bombastic language just in case. Second, seeing as my screename is "Serious Jesus" you can imagine I throw common etiquette to the wind when on the Internet. If you're a religious sort of fellow who easily gets offended on that subject, you might find my Steam persona just that: Offensive.


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Ironically, my Steam name is GOD. :P


You added me right as I read your post. That's so spookily well timed it's almost not funny.

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Steam name is Djekkar.


My favorite classes resemble yours

1. Pyro

2. Sniper

3. Scout

4. Spy

5. everyone else.


I tend to hang around Well CTF alot.



P.S. Demoman is the most difficult to master in my opinion.

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