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Ignika Space Travel



You know how people have complained about how the Ignika supposedly traveled so far through space but really just went from the moon Aqua Magna to the planet Bara Magna? Like the travel time but distances don't match up?


Well, they're not thinking about space travel. For the most part, things don't travel in straight lines in space, but rather move in orbital circles or something. Sure, you could probably move at relatively straight vectors if you have enough power to resist gravity from nearby bodies, but while Mata Nui's body may have that power, the Ignika didn't. So, now, my findings.




This "highly scientific" image shows how the Ignika could've been shot off into space by Makuta, but was recaptured by Bara Magna's gravity and thus pulled back in, giving it ample time to travel through space as seen in the Legend Reborn opening footage. Makuta could've even have tried to shoot it out of the system, but with just not enough force, and then it got pulled back in and reentered the system.


And you know this is accurate because I spent a long time working on it. Probably five whole minutes from coming up with the idea to saving the file. I'm sure this explanation will be canonized any day now, and all shall bask in my glory.




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