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Lighting A Mulan Song: Results



Did my final light lab project today, which I described a few blog entries down. (I'm too lazy to link, just scroll) All in all, it went fairly well. I was in charge of the cues, although it's not as impressive as it sounds, because the other guy pretty much wrote all the cues and I was still a bit fuzzy on what was supposed to happen when, but he wrote up a guide for me (and then revised it at the last minute) The best part of the song was, during a part where the secondary characters sing lines, we had a spotlight shine on a few audience members, kinda bringing them into the production too. The other guy and girl in my group "pranced" around on stake swinging their bow staffs and doing kung fu type of stuff from the movie. Afterwards, the biggest complaints were that the guy's choreography kept taking him out of the light. (It was his own fault... he hung the light in question, and he just wasn't moving right) But it was a pretty stellar show. Unfortunately I didn't get to watch it or take part in it... I played the role of the techie in the booth this round. But some of the other groups that went today also had interesting performances.


Then we struck all the lights (took them down). This was a new theater for us, and there was actually a catwalk we had to crawl up on to reach most of the lights. I helped take a bunch down for every group, and man did it get hot up there. At the end my forehead was dripping in sweat... probably a combination of an enclosed and heated space on a hot day, and the fact that I was maneuvering heavy lights in an enclosed space.


But yeah, I think I can guarantee that I'll get a good grade in this class. More fun than, say, Physics, Philosophy, Economics, Differential Equations, Programming Data Structures... the list goes on.




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