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Bzp T-shirt Project Contest! (now Open!)




See this entry for information if you dunno what this is about.

"Okay, so what now?"

Not to worry! I have this all planned out! ... I think.

Here we are. The contest. Okay. So.

"What do we do now?"

Now you submit your entries for the BZPower Member's T-Shirt. In this entry, you can submit designs, patterns, or ideas you feel can/should be implemented. You should also have a short paragraph explaining why your design is the bomb and what is in it. Here, like this.

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Name: Put your username here.
Description: Tell me what is special about your design and why it should be chosen.

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"What medium can the designs be in?"

Anything you have! Scanned drawing or sketch, Photoshop manipulation, MSPaint collage, anything! We just wanna see what you got; we don't care how it looks or how it was made.

"I can't do art worth a flying carp. What can I do?"

Ask around. Ask friends online or off and see if you can find someone who can make your design for you, then submit it.

Or you could just try your best! : D

"When is the contest over?"

Tentatively, the 10th of April. You have some time to work on it, but remember, you still gotta work! ;D

So get started!

Update: The contest is now closed for entries. I'll figure out what to do with these... submissions shortly. xP

List of Entrants:

Name: Cap'n K
Design: (Entry) (Gallery with variations)
Description: It's got Hapori Tohu and the three virtues. And perhaps a witty phrase underneath. Nothing fancy, but eyecatching and simple. The "witty phrase" examples aren't really funny, I just figured I'd throw a few in to show the gist of it.

Name: Cherixon
Entry: HERE!
Description: Well, it has Hapori Tohu, and I overall like the simpleness of the design. However, I will be making it in different colors and such, and that would just be the front. I'll make the back of the Tshirt soon.

Name: Robo
Design: http://www.majhost.com/gallery/toamon2/thi...tshirtfront.jpg
Description: It proclaims our pride in big boastful letters, and its got Master Tohu on the backand, and its easy to make B)

Name: Chibinuva
Designs: here here here and here.
Description: Different shirts each with a hand-drawn mask and complementing base (the masks are in their usual colors) along with the black, smaller, italic text above labeling the mask, and bold, larger, colored text saying "Official BZPower Member." I went with complementing colors and the traditional kanohi of old. Also, the background color for each design represents the color of the shirt. I only made four because I'm not a very good artist and the other two masks (the kakama and the kaukau) are hard to draw. If someone else wants to draw them that would be great. For those the kakama would be brown with a purple background (I don't know what shade) along with blue-colored text. The kaukau would be blue with a yellow background and brown text. Good luck to those entering!

Name: Dirty Burrito
Design: Front, Back
Description: Thinking of BIONICLE, the very biggest, most iconic, most easily recognizable and importantly, coolest character that springs to mind is Tahu. So I took an old image of him from the animations for nostalgiac reasons, and because it is easy to look at and see Tahu in it. On the back, I put where the website is and what it is. I'm thinking the t-shirt can be blackish/redish to fit the image.

Name: MatoroIgnika
Entry: Design
Description: Well, Its unique in the fact I used gradients on pretty much all the text, and four different type fonts. That coupled with the fact its not symmetrical makes it out of the ordinary. >:D . And to finish it off Its pretty much simple and to the point.

Name: Element Lord of Light
Entry: Front Back
Description: Very simple. A picture of Tohu on the front with the words BZPower. Nice and simple. Your username goes on the back. Just as simple. I used a Dark blue background because that's the color I always thought a BZP shirt should be.

Name: Sisen
Put Ur Design Here: Link
Description: It’s cheesy, distasteful, and awesome. What better way for BZP members to show some class than were a necktie t-shirt sporting a Hapori Tohu pattern? It is the bomb. The three Tohu heads is symbolic as they represent B Z P and Unity, Duty, Destiny. Now you’re probably wondering, how will people know what the shirt is about without any fancy text saying what it is about? That’s the best part. When people see oodles of us members wearing the same shirt they are bound to ask what it is, and we get to tell them.

Name: Protosteel
Description: It's got the shiny "BZPower" text from the front page, a nice Hapori Tohu design (original thanks to Shine, I gave it some shades of gray and made minor alterations), has the BZP "catchphrase," and then on the back there's a UDD symbol. What more could you want!?

Name: Chunky! (currently Max Power)
Design: Entry | Gallery (with variations and back)
Description: I dunno. Just felt like making this. As you can see this magnificent t-shirt is pimp'd out with BZPower's logo, and Toa Mata masks... on a 45º angle. That's right. A 45º angle. Also, if needed, I can provide a high-res pic or the Adobe Illustrator file.

Name: Nukaya the Awesome
Entry: Design Also on a shirt
Description: Oh, where to begin. I half-blame Sisen for this, but I went along with it anyway. :P Originally, it was going to be Hapori Tohu made up of a bunch of words, but timewise, it just wasn't happening, so this was the final product.

Basically, we compiled this ginormous list of all these words that were related to BZPower. Then we were all "oh hey, we need more words. Hmm....", so we added all off the current staff (as of right this minute according to that one topic and maybe a few people who used to be admins) names, because the staff are a huge part of keeping the site running smoothly. Added a dash of Hapori Tohu to it, and voilà. The design is a big mash-up of all this wacky stuff related to BZPower, but we're more or less like that: this big, totally awesome community of fans spread around the globe who are united by a common interest and a lot of random other stuff. It's pretty darn cool.

(it's past midnight. What I just wrote will probably make no sense to me in the morning....)

Entries: 11

Post komments, kwestions, kriticisms, or komplaints here. (Oh, and kntries, too. :) )


hey guise, I was gonna try and sneak these to you for free, but then Lazzy came along and went all *nagnag* on me, so remember to give credit to Lazok when you use these banners (cuz I know you will!)

















Recommended Comments

Name: Element Lord of Light

Front Back

Description: Very simple. A picture of Tohu on the front with the words BZPower. Nice and simple. Your username goes on the back. Just as simple. I used a Dark blue background because that's the color I always thought a BZP shirt should be.

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Name: Sisen

Put Ur Design Here: Link

Description: It’s cheesy, distasteful, and awesome. What better way for BZP members to show some class than were a necktie t-shirt sporting a Hapori Tohu pattern? It is the bomb. The three Tohu heads is symbolic as they represent B Z P and Unity, Duty, Destiny. Now you’re probably wondering, how will people know what the shirt is about without any fancy text saying what it is about? That’s the best part. When people see oodles of us members wearing the same shirt they are bound to ask what it is, and we get to tell them.

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Name: Protosteel


Description: It's got the shiny "BZPower" text from the front page, a nice Hapori Tohu design (original thanks to Shine, I gave it some shades of gray and made minor alterations), has the BZP "catchphrase," and then on the back there's a UDD symbol. What more could you want!?

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Name: Chunky! (currently Max Power)

Design: Entry | Gallery (with variations and back)

Description: I dunno. Just felt like making this. As you can see this magnificent t-shirt is pimp'd out with BZPower's logo, and Toa Mata masks... on a 45º angle. That's right. A 45º angle. Also, if needed, I can provide a high-res pic or the Adobe Illustrator file.

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Name: Nukaya

Entry: Design Also on a shirt

Description: Oh, where to begin. I half-blame Sisen for this, but I went along with it anyway. :P Originally, it was going to be Hapori Tohu made up of a bunch of words, but timewise, it just wasn't happening, so this was the final product.


Basically, we compiled this ginormous list of all these words that were related to BZPower. Then we were all "oh hey, we need more words. Hmm....", so we added all off the current staff (as of right this minute according to that one topic and maybe a few people who used to be admins) names, because the staff are a huge part of keeping the site running smoothly. Added a dash of Hapori Tohu to it, and voilà. The design is a big mash-up of all this wacky stuff related to BZPower, but we're more or less like that: this big, totally awesome community of fans spread around the globe who are united by a common interest and a lot of random other stuff. It's pretty darn cool.


(it's past midnight. What I just wrote will probably make no sense to me in the morning....)



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