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Ai Yi Yi

Inferna Firesword


I'm throughly annoyed with my brother right now.


Bad enough that he's turning twelve tomorrow and when that comes he'll be playing his birthday copy of SoulSilver on MY DS (since he's taking forever about paying for repairs for his own), and that I've had to spend most of the afternoon making his cake. But apparently, he just doesn't get the fact that my stuff is MY STUFF.


He just goes in my room like he owns it, and takes my stuff without asking me first, despite me putting up a sign about it and asking my mom if I could get a lock for my door. (It's mostly books (especially my Bionicle books) he takes, not money, but I'd still appreciate it if he ASKED first.)


And to cap it all off, he apparently has no understanding of terms that I knew back when I was in fourth grade.






....And thus concludes my rant.


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I need a slave over here to clean my lawn. Feel free to send him down to me.


Personally, a birthday gift of responsibility and work can never be beat.



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Oy, sorry to hear the fella just takes you're stuff.


I'm sure it will get better between you both over time.




Or not.


I dunno.


Also, CAKE. Mmm.

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To get your vengeance, make the cake a flavor that he doesn't like, but you like.


If that is impossible, bond over your common interests in food.

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