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I had every intention of photographing your Rahkshi today, but circumstances conspired against me in a most conspiratorial fashion. To wit: I spent much of the morning trying to get some good honest work done on scholarship applications, with the afternoon devoted to (among other things) folding laundry, looking at Sandman fanart and photographing Rahkshi, but then my mom gets this call saying she was supposed to help at the homeschool band's nursery today, but she forgot and now she has somebody coming over to visit, so she makes me get in my car, drive to the next town over (getting there forty-five minutes after the time my mom was supposed to be there), all to find that they didn't really need my help. Now I'm at the library waiting for my sisters to get done with band so I can take them home since I'm out here anyway. So the Rahkshi might get photographed today, or it might not.


Also, it really irks me when somebody calls somebody else 'sir' or 'friend' when the latter person is, in fact, neither a friend of the person exacerbating the erroneous nomenclature nor a Knight of the British Empire or any other sort of thing deserving the title 'sir.'


After a suspicious lack of recent reports from the BBC, I went through the first three pages with a flamethrower and infrared goggles and found more than twenty spam posts. Yup.


Does anyone know the best time to purchase tickets for BrickFair?


Today's entry has been brought to you by the letter S and some of the more recent additions to my Majhost gallery. ¦3


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After a suspicious lack of recent reports from the BBC, I went through the first three pages with a flamethrower and infrared goggles and found more than twenty spam posts. Yup.

Welcome to the creative outlets. Please enjoy your stay.

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The resemblance between the two in the first pic is uncanny.


Though the one on the left is so much hotter. B)


and more cuddly


Also, Snakes Snapes on EVERY Plane!



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Does anyone know the best time to purchase tickets for BrickFair?


Isn't that dependent on how long you're staying @ Brickfair? Are you flying out there (i.e. plane tickets), or are you talking about registering for Brickfair (i.e. event tickets)? I pretty sure the sooner you get your tickets, the better, cause after certain dates you start missing out on all the goodies.

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Plane tickets. I've got till sometime in July for the other kind, I'm pretty sure. I already know how long I'll be staying, too.
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