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My New Year's Resolution.





o u c wut i did there lol.


Seriously, how 'bout your New Year's resolution, or just your resolution?




I saw MST3K's dubbing of Manos: The Hand of Fate today. Wow. Let me give you the typical movie scale...


Very Good - A well-done movie that you'd love to see again.

Good - A movie that you enjoyed.

Okay - It was alright, but you don't wanna see it again.

Less Okay - You put up with it.

Bad - Wasted two hours of your life.

So Bad It's Funny - Worth those two hours of your life.


Well, Manos forces you to add about 6 more levels of bad, and THEN you can put it at the bottom of the list. Wow.


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Manos: The Hands Of Fate is a classic maaaaan. Any film made by a fertilizer salesman is easily going to be the best movie ever created by humanity. I tell ya folks. I'm showing it to every extraterrestrial I'll ever meet.

There will be thousands.


I don't watch MST3k as often as I really ought to, considering that I'm a huge fan of wretched films. Odd. Of course, I've a talent for finding some of the worst films on my own through the magic of Internet.

But I do read MST3ks of horrible fan fiction. The Eye of the Argon anyone?


"The woman is all we want! The others must die! They ALL must die! We do not even want the woman!"

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I still don't get why they seemingly said all their lines twice.


And I love the final fight thing, where they couldn't even afford a dummy gun, so they switched back and forth between the guy shooting and the Master. lawl

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