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Comedies Aren't Funny



Don't work towards 300 words. Let your creative juices flow as they please. If you have to add filler in it to make it larger, writing comedies may not be your thing.


Any comedy with "Ask" in the title has been done before. Don't think it's original just because the character hasn't been used before.


If emoticons aren't necessary to your story, don't use them.


And just a personal rule/suggestion/tip of mine: If there is any sort of joke, and I mean any, that mentions, alludes, talks about, or praises Crazy Frog, I (along with my Hounds Of Killing People That Bring Up Unfunny Things From A Year Ago) will hunt you down. :P


The "What Makes A Comedy" topic is useful, and also, so is common sense. Neither of which will be used often, but...it's worth a shot.


Save The Comedies Forum, Write A Comedy.


Trademark. Or something. Since it's capitalized, it's a slogan.


IPB Image


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If there is any sort of joke, and I mean any, that mentions, alludes, talks about, or praises Crazy Frog, I (along with my Hounds Of Killing People That Bring Up Unfunny Things From A Year Ago) will hunt you down.

Don't forget my countless hordes of bread-tasting peguins.


Guess I shouldn't write my 'Ask Jaa's Coffee Mug' comedy then. Tis a shame, I had a scene that used 15 :happydance: emoticons :P

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Work towards 300 words!? I have to stop myself at 1000! :P


If emoticons aren't necessary to your story, don't use them.

" :( " said Kopaka, crumpling up his latest story idea and tossing it over his shoulder into Gali's coffee. " IPB Image "


Very good idea, Exo. Now, we just need a banner to advertise this entry...




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One of the most logical things heard from anybody in all the history of whatever... And of course it's true, comedies on BZP aren't that funny anymore, mostly.
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And if you make a joke about Crazy Frogs, my horde of insane hopping reptiles will hunt you down for the rest of your life.


Though I admit common sense isn't often used in comedies.

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Well youre not excactly one to be giving advice. You havent written a comedy sice 004 and quite frankly Im sick of everyone complaining about how comedies are getting worse.


Sure some of the classics like Parody corner are gone but I think it is still good. Its so absurd people are writing comedies about the comedies.


Edit: I dont want to be mean but whining doesnt help. If we were naturally funny people we would have real friends and not post here :P

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I did, but they got pushed to the bottom by the Crazy Frog fanatics, so I stopped. :P


I'm writing an epic now anyway, see how that goes. :rolleyes:


Also; ask and ye recieve.



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What'cho got against crazy frog? I never made a crazy frog joke though.



I hardly use emotes, I only use them to show what the character looks like.

What petition?

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if you believe Oinky, SS has more spam than comedies.


More than Comedies? :???:





Son, have you ever heard of an 800-lb. gorilla in the room? :P


It's just that nobody ever reports the posts that say, "OMG that wuz reely saad!11! :crying: "


So there's a bunch of spam just floating around.

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*Sigh* Unfortunately, it is true. 3/4 comedies are not really funny. Of course, there are things like Bornicle and Bzp Emergency, but those things are not as appreciated as noobie comedies like 'Ask evry Sngle matrn alive' (purposely spelled wrong). I havn't seen Parody Corner since October, '05, either. Comedies that are as funny as those really brighten my day(Yes, that means you, Turakii. Your comedies brighten my day, to. -_- ). 'Tis a pity, really. I think people should start reading the Gionicle Guru's Comedy Writing Workshop. I mean, it's pinned. How could they miss it?


EDIT: Forgot to put a comma. :P

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do you mind my comedy is an ask comedy but i haven't really answered a question in it. it's mainly just random stuff that im make up. it's just called ask vakama. my comedy is funny!

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I don't care about the Ask comedies, I'm sure individually, there are some pretty funny ones - there's just so many. v_V

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All right i'll sign TIP: act out a small part off the comedt fist with you Bionicles it can give you comedy more...well it makes more sense and you can find all the weird things about them

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Honestly, 300 words should be the final goal a writer works for. Yes, it's necessary, but if reaching the limit is a major focus, the comedy is like a two-foot deep pool filled with water: very shallow and painful if you try to dive in.


Order of Importance:

  • Story/Plot
  • Comedic Elements
  • Word Limit

Unless it's stand-up, comedic elements shouldn't even be top priority of a comedy routine: they should add to a story. Just watch classic sitcoms. Yes, there are comedic points, but if the show is inundated (overrun) with comedy, it's kind of painful to watch. Of course, there are segmented/skit shows, but it's somewhat difficult to get a 300 word story out of those; besides, they're probably less funny read than seen. ^_^


If you focus on the story or plot, you can go back later and add comedic elements to expand your thinking, but if you start with comedic elements, it's harder to go back and give a storyline/plot point reason as to why it's funny. Rule number one of comedy: if you have to explain why something's funny, then it's not truly funny... although, there are exceptions (such as careful use of the "Fourth Wall").


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

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Unless it's stand-up, comedic elements shouldn't even be top priority of a comedy routine: they should add to a story. Just watch classic sitcoms. Yes, there are comedic points, but if the show is inundated (overrun) with comedy, it's kind of painful to watch. Of course, there are segmented/skit shows, but it's somewhat difficult to get a 300 word story out of those; besides, they're probably less funny read than seen. ^_^


What about the three stooges?


Where do I sign this petition?

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300 words? I never check the word count to see if I've made it any more: only to see just how long it is. Don't remember the last chapter that was under 1000, in fact my record I believe is 6000 for a chapter...


Anyway, Exo, you win at life for this. :P The comedies forum... scares me.


I still have my own to maintain however. Soz yeah. Come to think of it I don't really have a single theme going for my comedy: the only constant is the characters and setting. It's a lot easier to write without limits like having it have to be an interview thing or related to a restaurant...


Oh, and I dropped script permanently. Pure dialogue can be hilarious, but action and dry descriptions are also very humorous. I don't like to call it "prose" though, makes it sound like Shakespeare.


And soeth the Matoran what hailed from the village of Ta...

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