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Em Guide Art Top Winners




The following top winners of the Multiverse Guide Art contest (see the Results entry for the full array of winning images) are invited to create more art in specific remaining art slots. Congratulations to:

Chrome -- photorealistic style
A-Janus -- good at logos and other simple things
Veq -- good at sketches and stylized computer art
lewathetoa -- incredibly detailed paper art
MechaFizz -- very good at computer art
Shadow Velocity -- stunning computer art
Kayru -- high quality paper art

The art slots that these specific members are invited to create art for:

1 Contents whitespace -- any image that represents the Multiverse, preferably small
4 after Writing Rules, tons of space for a big image (could be multiple medium images here)
6 room for a pic on any topic from the basics text
13 another more accurate version of Blue Grime, small
19 small pic of an ITH interior on Central, preferably WN
21 lots of room for a big pic, any Alarist theme
25-26 Promathus CEOs & Union bosses, very small
27 Stadium, with ongoing Clash game probably, medium
33 Another small Industrial pic, any theme
55 Tyrant Duke Choruul, small (must wait for the Tyrants MOC results, coming very soon)
61 random small tyrant-themed image, maybe the winning Tyrant MOC???
69 Enlightened scene
72 Izumal hovertower
83 an agent, realistic metallic lighting on the armor
87 Cargo Star colored

Winners, discuss in the comments to this entry who wants to take what slots. Probably best to avoid more than one artist taking the same slot for this (with some exceptions). We'd ideally like to include everything you make for this. :)

I'm not officially assigning a deadline to this, for now. ASAP, though. :)


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Well, if you want these done fast, I'm afraid I will probably be only able to pull off one - maybe two - pieces. I am already working on a B:NG concept that I probably ought to finish first as well, and as I'm assuming you want my art to be in the style of Lake Aerospace, it will take me a fair amount of time to produce one painting. So for now I will state the two that I would like most to paint, and I'll leave it at that.


I think I'd like to claim the Clash Game as my first painting. For the second... I rather like quite a few of these ideas, but I will go with the agent. Now, since my paintings don't look too nice resized, I'd like a better idea of what size you'd like these to be, rather than just "medium" (or in the case of the agent, there's no size specified at all).


If someone else wants the agent, I'll give it up, but I'm prepared to fight for the clash game. :|

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What interests me:


1. ITH interior (provided I get a bit more explanation on what's expected)

2. CEOs/Bosses

3. Duke Choruul


But I'd also be interested in others if no one else is. =3 Think of mee as the fill-in.


Also! Found a better way to color. Might be able to fix the past ones, but I at least know we'll be able to make the new ones look better.



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Maybe I can do the Alarist theme, but I wanna do the Agent...


SV, wanna trade? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I suppooose I can give him up, I did say I would lol. And Alarist will probably be pretty interesting too. So I guess that works. ^_^

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I'll take some of those scenes or interiors. I discovered I can do pretty good interiors so yeah.

Maybe I'll have the small Tyrant too (seeing the votes :P [/brag]).

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I’d be interested in taking the Promathus CEOs & Union bosses, but I’m inclined to leave those to Lewathetoa, since he draws such detailed and awesome characters. But if they need to be “very small”, then maybe his style isn’t ideal as detail may be lost. Hmm…


I’d also like to take on the Industrial pic, maybe the Enlightened scene, and possibly basics text pic. The Cargo Star might also be fun, but I’ll probably get to it last, depending. And did you have anything particular in mind for the space under the writing rules?


Also, what’s the verdict on the neutral clan in Zien? And if “yes”, does it need a logo? Actually, does it even have a name yet?


Maybe I'll have the small Tyrant too (seeing the votes :P [/brag]).

Yeah, rub it in. :P



- MechaFizz

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Ah, great. And just as my computer decides to fail on me. <_< Anyway, I'll be fine with anything once I get my computer running and/or get a scanner. But, the agent, the hovertower, and the ITH interior do catch my interest. But still, I'm fine with anything.


Astris Janus

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For those of you wondering how big, I won't have time this week to find out, but you should be able to get a good idea by going to the page number listed for the art slot in question (the numbers to the left).


It's hard to pin it down exactly because PDF viewers are relative instead of absolute, at least the program I have, so it will depend on the user's screen, but a 1280ish screen is what I use. Also, we put the art into it when it's in a Microsoft Word type format, so that may help.


lewathetoa, for now, have a look at the Warzone clan logos page in the guide. The CEO pic would probably have to be about that small.

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Alright, I'll just draw up a few ideas for the Alarist and Clash scenes when I get time, and hopefully by that point you might have a more definite size. If not, I'll just do what I did with LAHQ and hope it works out.
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