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The Official Project Olympus Entry!

Captain Marvel



So, Hey all, and welcome to...Project Olympus!
Project Olympus is a fan-made project where we will MoC all the Greek gods and titans of Greek Mythology. And, some heroes, too, after all the possible titans and gods have been called. Maybe even a prophet like Teiresias, who knows?

~No Painted Pieces~
~You can order pieces, but not custom ones to use in your MoCs~
~You must comment in the current Project Olympus entry or PM me or The Rabid MoCist if you want to MoC something~

Anywho, here's the lists of who MoCs who, and the status.

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Kronos (done and posted)
Poseidon [done and posted]
Zeus (done and posted)
Atlas (WIP)
Morpheus (not started)

The Rabid MoCist
Hephaestus (done and posted)
Hyperion (done and posted)
Hades (not started)
Ares (not started)
Oceanus (done and posted)
Dionysus (not started)

Prometheus + Vulture (done and posted)
Chiron (not started)
Epimetheus (not started)

Hermes (not started)

Ouranos (not started)
Chimera (not started)

Minotaur (done not posted)
Hydra (done not posted)
Cancer (done not posted)

Blue Dragon
Centaur (not started)

Jacob the Protector
Hercules (not started)
Spartan (not started)
Charon (done and posted)
Iris (not started)

Member List!
The Rabid MoCist

Blue Dragon
Jacob the Protector
Toa Kered

That's all for now, folks. If anyone wants to join, just ask to and you will be accepted!
Also, if you want to MoC something, just comment here so I can add you to the list.


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Yes :P

But I'm not very familiar with Greek mythology, but I can make nearly everything if you give me a short description/name.


~Blue Dragon~

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omg i so want 2 join i love greek mythology i already have the vulture for prometheous, cyborg :P (not sure i spelt that right lol) he actually looks pretty good i also know atleast more than 3/4 of all the god's & titans :D

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Yes :P

But I'm not very familiar with Greek mythology, but I can make nearly everything if you give me a short description/name.


~Blue Dragon~

It doesn't matter if you're unfamiliar with the mythology, I could send you web links or give you a description from my memory, which would in some cases probably be more accurate :P .


omg i so want 2 join i love greek mythology i already have the vulture for prometheous, cyborg :P (not sure i spelt that right lol) he actually looks pretty good i also know atleast more than 3/4 of all the god's & titans :D

Nice try, but it's PrometheUS, no o. That's good that you know a lot, so I guess we could be the basis of all the characters.


May I join?


Yes, yes, you can all join, i'll add your names. :D

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Yes :P

But I'm not very familiar with Greek mythology, but I can make nearly everything if you give me a short description/name.


~Blue Dragon~

It doesn't matter if you're unfamiliar with the mythology, I could send you web links or give you a description from my memory, which would in some cases probably be more accurate :P .


omg i so want 2 join i love greek mythology i already have the vulture for prometheous, cyborg :P (not sure i spelt that right lol) he actually looks pretty good i also know atleast more than 3/4 of all the god's & titans :D

Nice try, but it's PrometheUS, no o. That's good that you know a lot, so I guess we could be the basis of all the characters.


May I join?


Yes, yes, you can all join, i'll add your names. :D

YAY! :D :lol: :D

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Hey shadowscythe, if you already have Prometheus's vulture, then maybe you could make and post Prometheus! That would be cool!


SWEET and i only have a phone camera :( lol but ill take my best pics of him and ill start working on him right now :D but what color scheme should he be?

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Hey shadowscythe, if you already have Prometheus's vulture, then maybe you could make and post Prometheus! That would be cool!


SWEET and i only have a phone camera :( lol but ill take my best pics of him and ill start working on him right now :D but what color scheme should he be?

I suggest all black.

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Hey shadowscythe, if you already have Prometheus's vulture, then maybe you could make and post Prometheus! That would be cool!


SWEET and i only have a phone camera :( lol but ill take my best pics of him and ill start working on him right now :D but what color scheme should he be?

I suggest all black.

ok thats what i was making it right now lol already went through 2 torso's :( lol

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also a few things i need a sugestion for the mask if i dont have itll take a while for brick link 2 get it here and also if we finish the gods could i do chironi really like 4 leg designs :D

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I'll add you to the list for Chiron and Prometheus, and I think that Prometheus shouldn't wear any mask, or something like a Roodaka-ish head thing.


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PROMETHEUS IS DONE! FINNALY! lol just finished him ill post him sometime 2morro and also when i post him he'll be prometheus and then my self moc :lol: :lol: :lol: yeah so its my self moc i also made a little transformetion 4 him this is a little bit of his bio " a monstrosity so gigantic he can turn into a space shuttle" and i g2g 2 bed post more 2moro seeya

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PROMETHEUS IS DONE! FINNALY! lol just finished him ill post him sometime 2morro and also when i post him he'll be prometheus and then my self moc :lol: :lol: :lol: yeah so its my self moc i also made a little transformetion 4 him this is a little bit of his bio " a monstrosity so gigantic he can turn into a space shuttle" and i g2g 2 bed post more 2moro seeya


Sounds cool! I can't wait!


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Is there anything I can make?


~Blue Dragon~

ooh i have an idea what about the hydra since ure name blue dragon possibly u could probably make a sweet 1

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