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On The Changing Of The Guard

Queen of Noise


I posted this in the talkback thread for the announcement, but I feel I should put it here as well.


I suppose I should step in and make some introductory remarks.


Firstly, as I said in the Powercast, I am humbled - truly humbled. It's been a honour serving the BionicleZone-Power community all these years and I am shocked, thrilled, and privileged to be able to serve in this leadership capacity. BZ's been a wonderful part of my life - a place where I've found friends, spent many good hours, and worked hard for the benefit of you guys. I'm elated, as always to give back - so I'll be giving back even more to you guys now.


There will certainly be some changes and adjustments accompanying this change in leadership, moreso than just the new face and new hierarchy. BZ is nearly ten years old - and some if its rules are looking a mite archaic. My first big project as Administrator will be a revision of the Signature Guidelines, a streamlining I began outlining shortly after Andrew and the rest of the administrator offered me this job. Look to see those and other changes coming soon.


Regarding another point, the unfortunate date of this announcement is, I confess, the result of some poor planning on our parts. We wanted to use the Powercast - something Andrew and I brought back and are very proud of - as the vessel for the initial announcement of the changing-of-the-guard, thinking it would be fitting and fun - a nice, aural send-off for one of the best Admins we've had (indeed, I even recorded a Hendrix-esque guitar-solo version of 'Amazing Grace' for the end of the episode to pay due respect, but Andrew was too humble to include it). Unfortunately, the Powercast is always posted on the last day of the month - in it just so happened that the date following the end of March is April Fools' Day. This was an oversight on our part and we apologize for any confusion - I guess the joke is on us, and we're the April Fools this time!


However, if you're looking for pranks celebrating the day, there are other places on the forum you may look. There are a couple that I've seen already. Keep your eye out!


Finally, I would be remiss in not addressing the 'Why me?' issue. Certainly I was surprised by the proposition also! Other administrators such as Jennifer and Michael have been serving in an administrative capacity for quite some time now. But this was deliberated in detail among the administration before a decision was made. The truth of the matter simply is that Tufi and Kaiapu merely did not have enough time to take full reins of the site, and the global moderating staff were content in their current positions. Andrew told me that I was someone he felt he could trust with the role, and any inexperience on my part would be covered by the assistant-administrative status of Jen and Mike. They'll be here to help me with my baby steps - and we'll be running this site together.


This is a golden opportunity and I plan to serve BZPower aptly. Andrew, I bid you a very, very fond farewell. Keep in touch, my friend. Thank you all.



And just for the blog version of this post - here is that Amazing Grace solo. Excelsior, Black Six.


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I for one welcome our new Smeagolly overlord.


It occurs to me that someone might be needed to fill at least of part of your shoes...Can I be a Forum Leader now? :3

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Can I be a Forum Leader now? :3

naw man naw


you're just a nub


besides it's obvious that I'm next in line in this here staff hierarchy B)

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Hm. This is what I was hoping for. Granted, I love Sixboss as much as the next guy, but he and I had some scuffles that I really, really would like to forget. And I will admit, since we got to knowing eachother a little bit better, I had dreamed of the day that you would become Admin. I have faith that you can keep up the good job that Andrew was doing, and I have faith in your abilities, moreso then most people, I would say. Judging by some of the comments, here, and in the Talkback.


B6 was the Admin when I joined, and he was also the first one I talked to on here. He really welcomed me with an open heart and put up with most of my wrong-doing more then a lot of people would. He deserves our thanks and our support more then anybody on this site, because he put up with us for over nine years. And we did give him his fair share of trouble. Trouble he did not deserve.


If you ever need help Smeag, or maybe a morale boost, or some support, know that I will always be here and willing to help you in any way I can.


- Walter.

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