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Top 10 Moments

Lewa Krom


As we prepare to go intoi the actual animation of The Empire this week, I thought I'd ask a simple question that inspired by a few topics in the Generak Discussion forum. What are the top 10 events in Bionicle are you dying to see in the movie (BNG)?


10. Axonn v Brutaka

9. Lewa and the rest in Outer Space

8. Time Trap!!!

7. Rahi Nui v Toa Nuva (BC#4)

6. Kardas v Tahtorak

5. "Matoran Teridax"

4. Gali Nuva's Nova Blast

3. Great Cataclysm

2. Battle between MU and the Prototype

1. Bohrok v Rahkshi




EDIT: Hey everyone! Click here! :P


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Truthfully, I want to see all of them, but if I had to choose just one, DEFINITELY Matoran Universe vs. Prototype. How could we leave that out? It's the most awesome part, I think.


The Great Cataclysm is my second choice, and Kardas vs. Tahtorak is third.


Although, I don't think we should exclude any of them; they are all storyline-important.


-Phantax (NOT Renddslow)

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Tahu vs. Zaktan

Battle for Metru Nui (2008 one) Also called Seige of Metru Nui

Battle for the Codrex

The Empire

Battle for the Kanohi Avohkii

The Shattering

Great Cataclysm

Raid of Artahka

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