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Metroid Moc Contest

Shadow Destroyer




Since it seems so many people are going to enter, I'm starting the contest now. (Don't worry, I'll give you an extra two weeks because of BBC 58.) The point of this contest is to build anything from the Metroid Series. The contest begins now and ends on June 14th. That gives you almost two months to enter.




Rules and Guidelines:


1. You must build something from the Metroid Series. No Halo or Star Wars. If you need to find pictures of some Metroid Characters, I highly recommend Wikitroid.


2. Your entry must somewhat resemble the character/creature you are creating. If your making a Warrior Ing, I don't want it to look like Spongebob. Don't worry, I won't disqualify you unless I know you did it on purpose.


3. You can enter as many entries as you want. Your entry doesn't have to be a new moc, so you can enter any pre-existing Metroid mocs.


4. No painted, custom, or cut parts. Also, if you want to use System parts, then the ratio of system should be no more than 25-75. (That's 25%.)


5. To post your entry, all you have to do is post a comment in this entry and use this format.


Entry Name: (Name of your entry)

Entry Picture: (Picture of your entry)

Topic Link: (optional)

Reference Picture: (optional)


6. If nothing goes wrong and the deadline doesn't change, voting will begin on June 15th and end on June 21st. (If there aren't enough entries, another member and I will judge the entries.)


7. Prizes: I do have a prize in mind for the first place winner, but I'll wait and see if enough people enter. If enough people enter, there might be a prize.




Well, what are you waiting for? Get Building! :P





Recommended Comments

Ah heh heh. I'm laughing because you wouldn't start it until BBC 58 was over. :P


I'll just charge my camera and take pictures of Rundas...

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Neat. :) I may end up entering. I've always wanted to make something like this. Don't know if I can get pics, though.

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About time a contest like this happened!

I am so entering!

So entering,

Man, I am SO entering! ^_^


Wow. ^_^ I can't wait to see what all of you guys make!





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Hurm. I'm probably going to enter this, mainly because you just can't beat a good Metroid-realted contest.

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So, is it 1 entry per person?




No, you can enter as many mocs as you want. (Thanks for bringing it up though, I added that part to the rules.)





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I'm nearly finished with a Grapple Guardian/Dark Grenchler Moc.



I'd better finish it soon ._.

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I'm going to try to enter this. However, I don't know what Metroids are. I have to go search up some cool ones. :P

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