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Jewel Staite (Firefly's Kaylee and Stargate: Atlantis's Dr. Jennifer Keller) and Sean Maher (Firefly's Simon Tam) will be appearing in an early episode of Warehouse 13's 2nd season! (As a couple, no less.)


Also, despite me "not watching TV," Community has quickly become a guilty pleasure. Probably because not only is it witty, but it's humor is much more cleaned up (though not perfect) from most TV shows nowadays. And the characters are great. ("Ketchup is a vegetable!" "This won't work. Last time you cried, I saved a vial of your tears and have been slowly building up an immunity.") Abed is great. Annie is cute. Jeff is humorously cynical. (Of the Abed/Troy endings, I love their Spanish rap, getting stuck in the vending machine, and the Christmas-Troy. ("I smell like special drink.") Oh and their Halloween ending. ("That's one of my biggest fears." "What is?" "If I ever, like, wake up as a donut..." "You would eat yourself?" "I wouldn't even question it.") And definitely "Troy and Abed in the Morning."


Also, Stargate Universe definitely picked up on awesomeness with Episode 11.


While I keep telling myself I can drop V and gain more free time in doing so, I just can't stop watching.


And then, of course, while I'm listing TV, I might as well mention Doctor Who. I can't wait for episode 2 on Saturday, if I'm lucky enough to see it. I should probably stop watching clips, as when I was watching seasons 1-4 I didn't look ahead. (Until then I'll probably rewatch ep 1 to catch minor things that could hint at the story-arc (see, I'm catching on).) Karen Gillan has definitely grown on me and is amazing in all the ways the show's writers wanted her to be.


I'm starting Andromeda, I've been watching Chuck and Santuary, and I'll probably have to Hulu Stargate SG:1 during the next two summers at my house (unless the school internet decides to stop lagging).


And with Christopher Eccleston near the end of Heroes season 1 for 5 episodes, gives me more reason to start that on DVD from a friend sooner or later.


-CF :kakama:


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Ecclestone says 'Fantastic' at one point in Heroes. I cheered, whether it was an intentional reference or not.


- Tilius

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I heard that in the prequel comic for the G I Joe movie, in a corner of a frame is a TARDIS (and maybe 9th Doctor and Rose, I think, or maybe it's the characters only...yeah that sounds good), and in the comic his character says "FanTAStic."



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The first season of Heroes was epic. After that, it's gone downhill.


Isn't Andromeda an older series? I remember watching it a few times, and it was either hit or miss.


Also, still excited for Warehouse 13. And since you're into shows with Firefly cast, you should really watch more of Castle. At least some select episodes. (Last week's was a good one)



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I'm looking forward to the return of Warehouse 13. It's an interesting premise, and the characters have a great dynamic. Firefly cast only makes it better!


Community is good. These days I think it's better than The Office, which is really hit or miss at times.


I still have reservations about SGU, but I'm going to keep watching it, since I'm a glutton for punishment.


Of course Doctor Who is a must-watch, check out my recent blog entry for my thoughts on Matt Smith.


Andromeda is great! I own the complete series. It starts out kind of formulaic in the first season, gets pretty interesting in the second, third, and fourth, and then takes a crazy twist in the fifth season that completely messes with your head. It's awesome.


Sanctuary is good too, but I preferred Amanda Tapping in SG1.


I also agree with Jason's recommendation of Castle, it's great. And if you loved Firefly, you owe it to yourself to watch Dollhouse - it's simply amazing.

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