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Queen of Noise


Art by Lehvaklah, Poster design by me!

I am directing a production of Hamlet by William Shakespeare. It is a one-hour adaptation of the play, condensed by yours truly. Admission is free, and the show dates are April 28th and 29th at 8:00 PM in Johns Auditorium at Hampden-Sydney College just outside Farmville, Virginia. Clearly I have mastered the prepositional phrase.

Anywho, it's going to be totally awesome, and you should come see it if you can. I can give detailed direction to get here.

PS: Lehvaklah is the bestest, the bestest! So many thanks.


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What's so surprising about Farmville? :huh: It's just your average small town...


Inquiring minds want to know: what's a fongleur?

The Jongleurs are a theatre society to which I belong here at HSC. Usually we hold one-act festivals in the spring, but this year I'm directing this instead.

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I have class, and Virginia's kinda far... :(


But I already know it'll be awesome. Have fun! :D


Question: Are there really a bunch of lonely cows wandering around in Farmville? :bigsmile:

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What's so surprising about Farmville? :huh: It's just your average small town...

"Farmville" also happens to be a supposedly fairly addictive and at this point somewhat widespread Facebook application game. You grow your own farm and keep it singing, basically.


For the record, I don't play. :P

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