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*pushes Baby New Year Down Flight Of Stairs*



Title's just for the heckuvit, folks, although it does have something to do with the subject.



Deux-zero-zero-six hath almost ended. Twelve months, three hundred sixty five days, fifty-two weeks... A year of my life. It's been almost a year since I sat on the couch waiting for the new year, reminiscing on how it had been a year since I was with my father reminiscing on how it had been five years since the new millenium began. Geez, where does the time go? *Sigh* Wow. I can remember so many things, just on BZP and about Bionicle alone. The Piraka and the buzz around the playsets, a bunch of the fads, things like that. Another year of my life gone by, sucked away into the oblivion of what we presume is the past, although it is likely that time itself is an illusion. But alas, my body slowly ages torwards death and decay nonetheless, eventually dragging my mind with it and leaving me nothing but a living husk in my final days, before the cold grip of death drags me away, mercifully it seems with how the world is going about itself.


And so the world thoughtlessly thrusts itself into the next stage of its ever worsening delusions, with pop culture slaughtering any and all dignity, war killing and maiming people and destroying families, money being a source of many troubles, hate crumbling the foundation of trust and tolerance, ignorance doing its best to kill off difference, and the stupid oppressing the intelligent. Hooray.


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