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god i hate this type of music



no offense


whats so bad about metal? it's the best type of music EVER it takes skill to be able to solo and riff as fast as people who play metal. compared to children of bodom's alexi laiho; let's say famous rock guitarist slash for instance; is nothing.

it takes skill to scream without blowing your voice out and the mosh pits at certain gigs are hard enough to even stand straigt in. the bass drumming that metal drummers can do aswell; is incredible. as for bass lines, go look at a pop group who use a bass. it takes no skill at all. metal bass lines you dare ask about? are so incredibly hard. my friend and band mate tried to play the bass line to all that remains's: the air that i breate and failed EPICLY. it takes so much skill and effort but it isn't paid enough attention to. it annoys me that people are to much of a bunch of [ Word removed. ~K ] that they can't stand the human males voice at it's peak of ability. i know you said no offence but there really is no valid reason for you to hate it. NO SKILL. that is all pop music is. so what kind of music do you listen to? justin beiber? if so then i might just die.

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god i hate this type of music



no offense


whats so bad about metal? it's the best type of music EVER it takes skill to be able to solo and riff as fast as people who play metal. compared to children of bodom's alexi laiho; let's say famous rock guitarist slash for instance; is nothing.

it takes skill to scream without blowing your voice out and the mosh pits at certain gigs are hard enough to even stand straigt in. the bass drumming that metal drummers can do aswell; is incredible. as for bass lines, go look at a pop group who use a bass. it takes no skill at all. metal bass lines you dare ask about? are so incredibly hard. my friend and band mate tried to play the bass line to all that remains's: the air that i breate and failed EPICLY. it takes so much skill and effort but it isn't paid enough attention to. it annoys me that people are to much of a bunch of [ Word removed. ~K ] that they can't stand the human males voice at it's peak of ability. i know you said no offence but there really is no valid reason for you to hate it. NO SKILL. that is all pop music is. so what kind of music do you listen to? justin beiber? if so then i might just die.

... overreact much?


For all you know, he was just stating he hates that type of Metal - Death Metal - and I have to say, I don't like it much either. Yet I'm a Metal fan.


You really just sort of blew up into a pointless rant there.

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god i hate this type of music



no offense


whats so bad about metal? it's the best type of music EVER it takes skill to be able to solo and riff as fast as people who play metal. compared to children of bodom's alexi laiho; let's say famous rock guitarist slash for instance; is nothing.

it takes skill to scream without blowing your voice out and the mosh pits at certain gigs are hard enough to even stand straigt in. the bass drumming that metal drummers can do aswell; is incredible. as for bass lines, go look at a pop group who use a bass. it takes no skill at all. metal bass lines you dare ask about? are so incredibly hard. my friend and band mate tried to play the bass line to all that remains's: the air that i breate and failed EPICLY. it takes so much skill and effort but it isn't paid enough attention to. it annoys me that people are to much of a bunch of [ Word removed. ~K ] that they can't stand the human males voice at it's peak of ability. i know you said no offence but there really is no valid reason for you to hate it. NO SKILL. that is all pop music is. so what kind of music do you listen to? justin beiber? if so then i might just die.

Personally I don't like this music because I can't hear a distinct melody, because it's overshadowed by the vocals. Just because it takes skill to do something makes it good?


Also, why can't I dislike this type of music? I'm assuming that you think that just because you like it means that I obviously have to.


No, I do not care for Justin Bieber, seeing how he sounds like a 7-year-old girl. I listen to wide variety of music including The Beatles, Gnarles Barkley, Ratatat, Deadmau5, Muse, Justice, Alphaville, A-ha, Michael Jackson, Public Enemy, Erasure, The Verve, Journey, Duran Duran, The Killers, and much more.

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lol i didn't really over react. i just stated my opinion. i actually have this in a word document for this sort of situation. no i don't think cause i like it that you should too, it's just i've heard the common response and it so annoying and one track minded. i'm glad to hear you actually have a reason. And i never said that just cause it took skill that you needed to like it or that it was good, it just annoys me that stuff like the beatles use chords and got to the toip of the charts. or people like n-dubz who use only computers and 2 other singers. i was simply comparing it to "normal music". there is plenty of melody in metal actually if you were to give it a try instead of brushing it off from one or two listens. the vocals are amazing. what's so wrong with them? just cause it's slightly harder to hear therefore it's bad (normal reaction. i don't know if your like that)?. quite frankly they don't overshadow the melody. i've been to a gig with killswitch engage, in flames and every time i die and they were all slightly quieter than the instuments. gnarles barkley sings in one of his new songs really wierdly and you can't tell what he's saying at all. i don't beat around the bush about him and say how bad he is. quite frankly there are plenty of other groups who over shadow the melody with bad singing. XD


kohila was right though. this album will blow your mind :D

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Ugh, I'm not a metal fan either, because the times I've listened to it, it's always grated in my ears and pretty much turned me away from the genre. I realize I've not sampled all the music in the genre, I damit it, but I just can't bring myself to try it out anymore.


Also, Founder? PLEASE use capitalization and try breaking up your paragraphs. It gives me a headache trying to decipher your wording when it's one block of all lowercase letters.


And another thing. I find it annoying, too, that people are comparing Metal and other genres of music. And not just metal specifically, but inter-genre comparisons over all. I personally think that that's not exactly a good idea, because you're trying to judge one by the standards of the other, and that just doesn't work. It'd be like going to go see a movie, say, Predators, and trying to compare it to a light romantic comedy.


Now, that's not to say that you can't compare between bands who specialize in different genres, but comparing an entire genre against a single band or a single artist is just crazy.

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Also, Founder? PLEASE use capitalization and try breaking up your paragraphs. It gives me a headache trying to decipher your wording when it's one block of all lowercase letters.



dude i don't care for capitals when i type on the internet cause i can't be bothered, nor do i actually care for the odd person who tells me to do different. seriously don't argue with me about that sorta thing. i've made anamies that way before. how's it so complex? don't answer that question. were going o.t.




veil of maya and plenty of other metal bands are misunderstood, birlliant, talented and friendly people. there are plenty like them outside the genre. end of

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Listened to a few samples of the songs. Deathcore isn't really my style, but I must admit I liked what I heard. Don't think I'll bother with buying the whole album, but I may get a few individual songs. Any suggestions?
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