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Mosaic Project-- Image



Plenty of thanks to xccj for figuring out the Pic To Brick program!


He has made this image:


and it looks great!


Thus, the mosaic will be split into 6 sections as so:






With each piece (1,2,4,5,6) being 32x32 and piece 3 being 64x64 (which Arpy will make)


Now, we need people to make these pieces on their own! Here's the list. (Click on the thumbnail for the mosaic image)


Piece 1 piece_1.jpg Claimed by Letagi


Piece 2 piece_2.jpg Claimed by Xccj


Piece 3 piece_3.jpg Claimed by Arpy


Piece 4 piece_4.jpg Claimed by kohila piraka


Piece 5 piece_5.jpg Claimed by Jedi Master J.


Piece 6 piece_6.jpg Claimed by Black Six



Here is the latest, main entry for the project (not counting this revolutionary entry) (but oh go see xccj's original Kopaka entry). Nukaya and I (and xccj) will also discuss a second image. But first, of course, we need volunteers. Volunteer here and/or in Nukaya's blog (we really need a central place). A 32x32 baseplate is pretty much a requirement (or two 16x32's), and we will be using bricks because 1) those are more abundant and 2) you can stack three plates to make a brick's thickness (just make sure the top layer is the right color). 1x1 bricks are not required and, in fact, we hope you will use longer bricks where permitted on the mosaic to save money from what you will have to order.


There are some more details, some already discussed and others not needing to be mentioned yet, but this entry right now changes everything and is posted in hopes of getting more commitments because we will, at least, be doing one picture, if not more.


Please remember that by saying you'll do a piece, you commit to making it and sending it in time for BrickFair (arriving on my doorstep (more on that later) mid-July), which includes obtaining all the necessary parts, which could cost you $20+ after sorting through your own collection.


-CF :kakama:


*unless we get enough volunteers, in which case someone else can have it


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See, CF, you posted this and you already got another volunteer!


BTW, I can provide inventory lists of the bricks needed for any particular sections, and I can also run the image through the program again with the price optimization feature on, which will layout the mosaic using larger bricks than just the 1x1 (and then include an inventory list for that too)




Edit: Well, it's an option, anyway. :)

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Eh, I think people can look at their individual image and figure out what kinds of bricks/plates they need. Like me, I'll see what I have, where those pieces fit in my image, and then see what other kinds of big pieces I can put in the "blanks."



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Hm...I am interested. But before I commit to anything, I like to see Xccj's inventory lists of the bricks needed for Piece 5 and price optimization on it, so I can work out how much I might have to buy and how much I already have that could work with it. Thanks in advance.



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Hm...I am interested. But before I commit to anything, I like to see Xccj's inventory lists of the bricks needed for Piece 5 and price optimization on it, so I can work out how much I might have to buy and how much I already have that could work with it. Thanks in advance.



The section with price optimization


Inventory: (In spoiler tag to save space)

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

Black Plate_1x1_(3024) 60 piece(s)

Black Plate_2x1_(3023) 36 piece(s)

Black Plate_4x1_(3710) 6 piece(s)

Black Plate_6x1_(3666) 5 piece(s)

Black Plate_2x2_(3022) 6 piece(s)

Black Plate_2x3_(3021) 2 piece(s)

Black Plate_2x4_(3020) 8 piece(s)

Black Plate_2x6_(3795) 1 piece(s)

Black Plate_2x8_(3024) 4 piece(s)



Dark_Bluish_Gray Plate_1x1_(3024) 69 piece(s)

Dark_Bluish_Gray Plate_2x1_(3023) 31 piece(s)

Dark_Bluish_Gray Plate_4x1_(3710) 4 piece(s)

Dark_Bluish_Gray Plate_6x1_(3666) 2 piece(s)

Dark_Bluish_Gray Plate_2x2_(3022) 4 piece(s)

Dark_Bluish_Gray Plate_2x3_(3021) 1 piece(s)


Light_Bluish_Gray Plate_1x1_(3024) 60 piece(s)

Light_Bluish_Gray Plate_2x1_(3023) 25 piece(s)

Light_Bluish_Gray Plate_4x1_(3710) 3 piece(s)

Light_Bluish_Gray Plate_6x1_(3666) 1 piece(s)

Light_Bluish_Gray Plate_2x2_(3022) 3 piece(s)

Light_Bluish_Gray Plate_3x2_(3021) 1 piece(s)


White Plate_1x1_(3024) 49 piece(s)

White Plate_2x1_(3023) 20 piece(s)

White Plate_4x1_(3710) 3 piece(s)

White Plate_6x1_(3666) 4 piece(s)

White Plate_2x2_(3022) 3 piece(s)

White Plate_3x2_(3021) 9 piece(s)

White Plate_4x2_(3020) 3 piece(s)

White Plate_6x2_(3795) 2 piece(s)

White Plate_8x2_(3024) 6 piece(s)


... and by "plate" we mean "Brick" ;)



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Thanks, xccj.


Of course, JMJ, be sure to look through your collection first. Maybe you have enough of the bricks listed, as well as other bricks that could "make" a full brick listed.



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Please note also, that if the image is showing that you should use two black 4x1 bricks next to each other (for example), and you just happen to have a 2x4 brick (or vice-versa), you can totally get creative and use that instead.



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What if JMJ decides he can do it? I think...we should give him 24 hours from xccj's post to hear from him, and then you can have 5. Otherwise, would you mind 6?



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Alright, I've updated it with claims. As you can see, since we are unsure of JMJ's commitment yet, Letagi is sort of up in the air. Letagi, however, showed interest in #5, so he'll get that unless JMJ can. (I then bumped him to my #1 piece, giving B6 #6 for sure. If this is a problem for anyone, like if Letagi really wants #5, we can work it out here. I am, however, trying to be fair to JMJ. I'll PM him tonight if he hasn't responded yet to see what he thinks.)



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The section with price optimization


Inventory: (In spoiler tag to save space)

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

Black Plate_1x1_(3024) 60 piece(s)

Black Plate_2x1_(3023) 36 piece(s)

Black Plate_4x1_(3710) 6 piece(s)

Black Plate_6x1_(3666) 5 piece(s)

Black Plate_2x2_(3022) 6 piece(s)

Black Plate_2x3_(3021) 2 piece(s)

Black Plate_2x4_(3020) 8 piece(s)

Black Plate_2x6_(3795) 1 piece(s)

Black Plate_2x8_(3024) 4 piece(s)



Dark_Bluish_Gray Plate_1x1_(3024) 69 piece(s)

Dark_Bluish_Gray Plate_2x1_(3023) 31 piece(s)

Dark_Bluish_Gray Plate_4x1_(3710) 4 piece(s)

Dark_Bluish_Gray Plate_6x1_(3666) 2 piece(s)

Dark_Bluish_Gray Plate_2x2_(3022) 4 piece(s)

Dark_Bluish_Gray Plate_2x3_(3021) 1 piece(s)


Light_Bluish_Gray Plate_1x1_(3024) 60 piece(s)

Light_Bluish_Gray Plate_2x1_(3023) 25 piece(s)

Light_Bluish_Gray Plate_4x1_(3710) 3 piece(s)

Light_Bluish_Gray Plate_6x1_(3666) 1 piece(s)

Light_Bluish_Gray Plate_2x2_(3022) 3 piece(s)

Light_Bluish_Gray Plate_3x2_(3021) 1 piece(s)


White Plate_1x1_(3024) 49 piece(s)

White Plate_2x1_(3023) 20 piece(s)

White Plate_4x1_(3710) 3 piece(s)

White Plate_6x1_(3666) 4 piece(s)

White Plate_2x2_(3022) 3 piece(s)

White Plate_3x2_(3021) 9 piece(s)

White Plate_4x2_(3020) 3 piece(s)

White Plate_6x2_(3795) 2 piece(s)

White Plate_8x2_(3024) 6 piece(s)


... and by "plate" we mean "Brick" ;)



Thanks, Xccj.


Of course, JMJ, be sure to look through your collection first. Maybe you have enough of the bricks listed, as well as other bricks that could "make" a full brick listed.



Oh, I did checked and while I think I might have enough bricks to spare for the job, I am thinking of probably just ordering all the bricks and the plate since some of my bricks are dull with age and I rather they not throw off the color scheme with the other parts.


So yes, I am committed to doing Piece 5.


Alright, I've updated it with claims. As you can see, since we are unsure of JMJ's commitment yet, Letagi is sort of up in the air. Letagi, however, showed interest in #5, so he'll get that unless JMJ can. (I then bumped him to my #1 piece, giving B6 #6 for sure. If this is a problem for anyone, like if Letagi really wants #5, we can work it out here. I am, however, trying to be fair to JMJ. I'll PM him tonight if he hasn't responded yet to see what he thinks.)



Like I said above, I am committed to doing the Piece 5 and I would really like to do it. But if Letagi is really set on getting it, he can and I'll just settle for next planned Mosaic piece or whatever is left over.


Oh, and sorry about taking so long to reply, school and work have been keeping me busy today. I hope you understand.



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