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The world will end in a Dinosaur invasion this year.


LEGO warned us.

They tried to... But they just had to kill Bionicle before that ending could occur!

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2012 is when the Vogons will wipe out our planet for their intergalactic space highway or something. The Mayans marked in on their calendar so they'd remember.



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The Mayans probably thought they'd get sick of their calender by now, so they marked 2012 as the time to get a new one.
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Shapeshifting reptilian aliens from the planet Nibiru that live underground are taking over the world in 2012 and they will enslave the human race by taking the forms of world leaders. I read it on the internet so it must be true. :)

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There's been a lot of natural disasters everywhere all the time. It's just that we learn about them happening in more places than before.

Right. Instant communication allows us to hear of disasters, especially in very undeveloped parts of the world, at a pace previously unseen. Before it used to take days to hear about a disaster in a far off land (or you wouldn't hear about it at all).


That and these things tend to come and go, especially with earthquakes. When one plate shifts, it disturbs all the other ones so it only makes sense that you would see a series of other earthquakes in a short time period. Then there will be a period of little to no activity.

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Shapeshifting reptilian aliens from the planet Nibiru that live underground are taking over the world in 2012 and they will enslave the human race by taking the forms of world leaders. I read it on the internet so it must be true. :)

Lead by the zombified corpse of Paul McCartney. :)

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