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This Just In! Rotr Approved!



[Live video feed.]


Camera clicks on. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Trainers, Agents of Team Liberty and Team Rocket! As you know the war between Our favorite tyranny -- Team Rocket -- and our number one resistance group -- Team Liberty -- has been hard at work, attempting to become detailed enough to be approved and played! Well, after weeks of editing and fighting, arguing and debating, as well as waiting for the RPG approval topic to go back up, the war may finally become one that people can actually participate in!


In this report, aside from stating the obvious, we'll be following the progress of Pokémon: Rise of the Rockets in the Completely Off-Topic role-playing game approval topic. Events will be listed in chronological order, from least recent to most recent.


Apr 25 2010, 07:39 PM: Rise of the Rockets is brought to the floor posted in the approval topic by Mr. Parugi.


Apr 26 2010, 01:59 AM: Senator Judge I Am Become Death gives his approval of the bill RPG. This movement is unanimously agreed upon, and as such no debate ensues.


Apr 26 2010, 07:21 AM: Senator Judge Kirakishou stands, seems to want to say something, though gives their approval of the bill RPG. There is much rejoicing.



Apr 26 2010, 09:39 AM: Senator Judge EmperorWhenua... Well, I think his words speak for themselves:

Oh god what is this an RPG oh god oh god what do I do what do I doooooo... :unsure:


Um. Um. Ummmmm... Pokemon: Rise of the Rockets is hereby granted the EW Seal of Approval and is hereby Approved [3].




Apr 26 2010, 03:15 PM: Senator Judge Spink's approval brings RotR's passage to the halfway point. Mr. Parugi, creator of the bill RPG, waits anxiously for the ya or nay of the other judges senators Judges.


Apr 26 2010, 05:14 PM: Senator Judge Sisen Lord Togepi has granted RotR his approval. Mr. Parugi awaits the approval of Senators Judges Wrack and Than, who will make or break his bill RPG.


Apr 26 2010, 06:06 PM: Senator Judge Gaap has given his approval, bringing the total number of approvals to 6. Final approval must be given by President RPG Leader Than before RotR can officially start.


Apr 26 2010, 07:01 PM: Still no word from President RPG Leader Than. Anxiety reaching is a new level for Mr. Parugi.


Apr 26 2010, 07:18 PM: Still no word from Than. K.Y.7.3. will be taking a break for a while; perhaps the President RPG Leader will have announced his decision by the time we return. Stay tuned!


Apr 27 2010, 04:21 PM: Still no word. The suspense is literally killing people, as miniature wars begin to break out between the spectators.


Apr 27 2010, 06:26 PM: Mr. Parugi is smacked upside the head by both Senator judge EmperorWhenua and Nara567, before moving on to PM President Than.


Apr 27 2010, 07:48 PM: President Global Moderator Than signs the bill approves the RPG!

AMENDMENT: According to Mr. Parugi, the RPG will be up before 10:00 P.M. this evening. He is unable to post it at the current time due to circumstances involving "homework," though he assures us that it will be done.


Players across the boards of BZ-Nui are rejoicing at this spectacular news! You can expect the RPG to be posted soon -- Mr. Parugi states that he must send a PM to his co-Game Master, Kumata, before posting the RPG, but once he does, you can expect quite an adventure!

Join us next time at K.Y.7.3.!


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Yup. Though I did just submit it last night, so...

Still; six approvals in a day is, I'm pretty sure, a record, so I'm happy. :)

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Once your RPG has been approved by the Judges, you must PM the RPG Leader (Than: Matoran of Anger) to receive the final go ahead.
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I'm neither Senator nor Judge. I am an Emperor, a Curator of Justice, a Imperator of Divine Law. Get it right, yo.



Once your RPG has been approved by the Judges, you must PM the RPG Leader (Than: Matoran of Anger) to receive the final go ahead.


No wonder why you haven't gotten anything from Than -- he has no idea what just happened. :P




Edit: Nara567, your comment has just been annulled by mine authority for encroaching upon mine own space, and also repeating what I was about to say in a most unwarranted way. Furthermore, tone down your attitude.

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Heh; thanks, EW.

I couldn't have done it without the help of everyone at the RPG planning thread, though, so appaud for them, too. ^_^

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