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Elle N'est Pas Morte!

Tufi Piyufi


Well, she ain't.


An overview of things, because I have a million-plus-one different things I need to catch up on. I swear, I turn my back for a second, and...


First, the contest. The first thing to suffer the blow of surprise home renovations. I have been told what happened, though. I'm disappointed, folks. I can't really bring myself to say a whole lot more. Just know that there are a lot of you I am disappointed in.


Next, promotions. Namely, my getting a whole new minion. I've got some real hopes for this one. This could finally be the turning point that brings dignity to the Piyufi complement of minions. One would think that clean-nosed Shan would be that last hook in sanity, but no, he ain't. That boy wants the tiara bad. I can sense it.


Also, the Festivus story. Didn't get to do one bit on it, I'm afraid. The script is almost done, but I've got building and all that other stuff to deal with, never mind the current inability to load pictures onto the computer or edit them... It may be a 'Festivus in February' affair. Still, I'm gonna get this one out...


Finally, Mike. So bloody sad.


Time to get back into the dance.


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Finally, Mike. So bloody sad.


Really, that's enough. I think everyone has had enough to say about that for now. We don't need to keep on making Mikey feel absolutely horrible, do we?


So yeah, enough is enough.





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*melodramatic gasp*

She lives! The puffin lives!


Say, oh tufted one, have you considered a trip south of the border at the end of March?




As awesome an early birthday present as that would be, I'm all too aware of how unlikely it is... gah.


Mon dieu! Ce n'est pas vrai!



Finally, Mike. So bloody sad.


Really, that's enough. I think everyone has had enough to say about that for now. We don't need to keep on making Mikey feel absolutely horrible, do we?


So yeah, enough is enough.




Previous reference, actually. Yeah, it's kinda vague, but I don't know where the rest of the world is, so it's best to stay away from the spoilers. Canada's already at least ten months behind, so most are prolly going 'what's she... oh yeah, that.'

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Je suis vraiment désolé que tu sois désolée, mais plus que ça change, plus que ça reste la même, n'est-ce pas?


And hey, we need that Festivus bad.

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Je suis vraiment désolé que tu sois désolée, mais plus que ça change, plus que ça reste la même, n'est-ce pas?


And hey, we need that Festivus bad.



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Yah, my French is worse than my English. Just don't tell my boss. :P


(Actually, my French isn't that bad, I just don't concentrate as much on my languages here as I do at work.)

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I can honestly say I have no desire to obtain your tiara. I have my own that I'm very pleased with.

Sure, now you don't. But you'll feel the urge at some point. I'm positive of it.


It's alright, Tufi. I took care of things. :D

I'm still not giving you the title, though. You'll have to fight with the rest should I ever die.


Je suis vraiment désolé que tu sois désolée, mais plus que ça change, plus que ça reste la même, n'est-ce pas?


And hey, we need that Festivus bad.



It'll happen, I promise. When, I dunno. But it'll happen.


Moi aussi, mais je suis too lazy to keep typing in French.




Ain't we all.


Elle N'est Pas Morte!


And in English what does that mean? :P



She is not dead!


Because it's true.

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You guys take French class? Man, I couldn't understand a word of what Schizo said. :blink:

I need some one to translate what Schizo said casue I odn't understand French.


Ok Tufi, she's not dead then. *cough*sure*cough*.....:P



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Okay, I looked up what Shizo said, does it mean this? "I that you would be afflicted, but the more than that, the more than that remains the same one, isn't this changes is really sorry?"
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"Je suis vraiment désolé que tu sois désolée, mais plus que ça change, plus que ça reste la même, n'est-ce pas?" veut dire...


I am truly sorry that you are sorry, but the more [it] changes, the more [it] stays the same, is that not so?


*ça refers to something Tufi said, I guess.

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"Je suis vraiment désolé que tu sois désolée, mais plus que ça change, plus que ça reste la même, n'est-ce pas?" veut dire...


I am truly sorry that you are sorry, but the more [it] changes, the more [it] stays the same, is that not so?


*ça refers to something Tufi said, I guess.

Ha HAH! He made a mistake in his French, you we caught Schizo unawares!


~ :kakamanu: ~

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Except the part where Windy corrected Schizo's omission of the subjunctive conjugation of the verb "to be", Schizo's spelling and grammar were correct.

I should know; I studied French for about 14 years all told.


-KIE, qui est bilingue

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Except the part where Windy corrected Schizo's omission of the subjunctive conjugation of the verb "to be", Schizo's spelling and grammar were correct.

I should know; I studied French for about 14 years all told.


-KIE, qui est bilingue


French and Calculus. Now that's some combination.

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Except the part where Windy corrected Schizo's omission of the subjunctive conjugation of the verb "to be", Schizo's spelling and grammar were correct.

I should know; I studied French for about 14 years all told.


-KIE, qui est bilingue

Ah well. There was always the moment.


~ :kakamanu: ~

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Okay, I looked up what Shizo said, does it mean this? "I that you would be afflicted, but the more than that, the more than that remains the same one, isn't this changes is really sorry?"

And this is why professional translators are still employed: translation engines suck. :P

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Okay, I looked up what Shizo said, does it mean this? "I that you would be afflicted, but the more than that, the more than that remains the same one, isn't this changes is really sorry?"

And this is why professional translators are still employed: translation engines suck. :P

Amen, brother.


~ :kakamanu: ~

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