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I Can Be So Stupid Sometimes.



And once again I've managed to offend someone because of it! Go me. I have no tact. ;_;


*goes off and mopes in a corner*


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Cheer up. Anyone can be offended by anything anywhere. Human minds operate in such a way that literally any little thing could initiate a reaction. Course, I know nothing about this particular case, so I could just be barking at the wind, but still, IMO, offending people isn't something to be proud of, but it's also not something to be sad about, just takes a little fixin' is all.



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Cheer up. Anyone can be offended by anything anywhere. Human minds operate in such a way that literally any little thing could initiate a reaction. Course, I know nothing about this particular case, so I could just be barking at the wind, but still, IMO, offending people isn't something to be proud of, but it's also not something to be sad about, just takes a little fixin' is all.



I tried so hard not to though. :( And then it happened anyway...


And now they'll probably never talk to me again, and I feel terrible.

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You must considerate 3 things:


1 - Were they worthy of you?


2 - If they were, you should just let time flow a little and tell them you're sorry.


3 - People nowadays are offended even by calling them boy/girl.

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You must considerate 3 things:


1 - Were they worthy of you?


2 - If they were, you should just let time flow a little and tell them you're sorry.


3 - People nowadays are offended even by calling them boy/girl.

I believe they are worthy of being my friend - that's why I was so upset when we got into the argument. We've apologized to each other now though, so it seems to be fine.


You are right though, it really is hard not to offend people a lot of the time. My unfortunate blunt honesty doesn't always help matters though.




Read my new PM.

I read it, thank you. :)

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Rest assured I know all too well what that feels like. I tend to say what I mean and mean what I say a lot, so I've been called tactless more than once. Actually, I just happen to know what I'm talking about and initiate a plan I anticipated to happen in the first place to topple those who cheat the system. Basically, I meant to do those things. :P Still, I can sympathize.





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You must considerate 3 things:


1 - Were they worthy of you?


2 - If they were, you should just let time flow a little and tell them you're sorry.


3 - People nowadays are offended even by calling them boy/girl.

I believe they are worthy of being my friend - that's why I was so upset when we got into the argument. We've apologized to each other now though, so it seems to be fine.


You are right though, it really is hard not to offend people a lot of the time. My unfortunate blunt honesty doesn't always help matters though.




Read my new PM.

I read it, thank you. :)

You're welcome. :)

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