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Flaming Hammers!



Oh yeahhhhh. B)




For those who don't know, the hammer throw is an event in track and field. It's primarily held in collegiate competitions and up, and we sometimes like to step it up a notch at my university.



Another one

This one sparked

Three stripes

A fan


And then we set the ring on fire


The best part was when the cops and a fire truck showed up due to "reports of flaming arrows and objects that may possibly be UFOs". And the "ka-woooooosh" noise that the flames make while the throwers spin was amazing.


(and 87 days until BrickFair!!!!)


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Is this a joke? :P That's craaaaaaaazy.



It's real! It's a bit of a tradition that the throwers on the team here do in the spring, but this is the first time I've been able to attend.



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That is most epic. Reminds me of glow stick raves I used to film, which would get the same kinda effect, but flaming hammers is SO much cooler!





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Putting aside the awesomeness of what is actually going on here, I really love this type of photography too, the whole light path style thing. Always haven't really worked out how it works before, but is it mostly just adjusting the exposure speed, right? Or is it some other spiffy technique?


Now I'll reput the awesomeness in the spotlight. That is clearly the most awesome sport like thing I've heard of or seen ever. Would certainly make the hammerthrow [even] more interesting. :P




Yeah, it's mainly adjusting the exposure time.



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