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Wrinkledlion X


I had a really weird dream last night/this morning.


It began with me on 1700's-1800's style ship. There were huge swells and lightning and thunder, etc., and we found a small row-boat adrift. There were three men in it: a short bald one, a taller balding one, and an average, slightly old one. They claimed to be lost at sea, so we let them onto our ship, but the third man was left alone briefly as he unloaded a large trunk of unknown objects.


Several months passed with no greatly unusual occurrences, although every couple days the first two men would develop strange growths on their arms, legs, and faces that nearly resembled small tumors. The third man had become a recluse who never came out of his quarters. The first two men had taken to wearing old rags, and the third had, on the rare occasions he was seen, been wearing a strange coat and sometimes goggles.


After several weeks, a crewmember was found dead under mysterious circumstances. We soon decided that it was one of the first two men, and they were kept under a close watch. Several days passed, and one excessively stormy night, the two men went berserk. They had apparently cracked under stress, and were now running around the halls attacking people.


We attacked back, shooting and sniping from hidden places. We finally managed to kill them, but soon the third man emerged from his cabin, wearing a strange, form-fitting metal suit. Only his eyes were showing, and he was covered in what looked like needles. I tried to shoot this man, too, but the person I was with stopped me, saying he hadn't yet made a move against us. He began to speak:


"So... I see you've done away with my test subjects. Less work for me, I suppose."


"Test subjects?" I asked.


"Yes. Over the last several years I've been searching for immortality. I'm getting older, but I'm not content to stop living yet."


"What's the metal suit for, though?"


"I have discovered that the key to immortality involves the eradication of lysosomes and the acceleration of regeneration. Lysosomes, you see, break down dead tissue and the gills and webbed fingers you have before birth. They are responsible for old age as well. But if I break down the lysosomes and repair my old age with this regeneration, I will never die of old age! These needles on the outside will inject me with the chemicals I have developed!"


"Then why have those two men tried to kill so many people?"


"They are... Failed experiments. Their strange growths are areas where regeneration went rampant and they actually grew new things... They went insane when the inside of their heads grew and applied pressure to their brains..."


With that, he pulled down on a string hanging from his mask, and the needles immediately plunged into his skin. He gasped and fell over, no doubt from the pain of being injected all over his body. We rushed to help him but he looked up and struck my partner knocking him across the room. I shot him, but it merely bounced off of his metal armor. He tore off his metal suit to reveal a young man where an elderly one had been earlier. The lysosomes had disappeared, and the regeneration had counteracted his age.


The regeneration continued, however, and he began developing blemishes and growths all over. Random body parts began changing, such as his nose lengthening and sagging downwards, his eyes bulging and growing sickly green, and his fingers extending rapidly to a length of a foot or so.


When he had nothing left to regenerate, he began merely generating. Feelers erupted from his body, as did a variety of other limbs. He developed tons of pigment, turning his pale body brown. Soon he began to take on the characteristics of an unborn human: he grew webbing between his elongated fingers, his skin became transparent in a variety of places, etc. He soon even grew the gills of an unborn child, and, struggling to breathe, he raced away and threw himself into the stormy ocean.




And... Then I woke up. Cool, yes?


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