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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 4b, 33b, 35b, 36a, 50a, 107a, 110a, & 144a



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.


The yet again revised fourth article proposed by Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar, after brief deliberation with many of the current "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members", hereby propose that "TOA" ChocoLvr13 be promoted to the position of "TURAGA" and be granted all the powers and privileges thereof.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The yet again revised thirty-third article proposed by Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar, after brief deliberation with many of the current "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members", hereby propose that "TOA" Koji be nominated to the position of "TOA TEAM LEADER"; to serve as "TOA TEAM" whip and de facto primary tie-breaker.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The yet again revised thirty-fifth article proposed by Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar, after brief deliberation with all of the current "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members", hereby propose that "MATORAN CHRONICLER" Auserv be promoted to the position of "TOA" and be granted all the powers and privileges thereof.


Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar further propose that the title and position of "MATORAN CHRONICLER" shall be vacated upon promotion in order to allow for nomination and advancement of another "MATORAN" to fill the void.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The revised thirty-sixth article proposed by Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar, after brief deliberation with all of the current "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members", hereby propose that "MATORAN" Zorrakh be promoted to the position of "TOA" and be granted all the powers and privileges thereof.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The revised fiftieth article proposed by Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar, after brief deliberation with many of the current "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members", hereby propose that "TOA TEAM LEADER" Zahaku be promoted to the position of "TURAGA" and be granted all the powers and privileges thereof.


Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar further propose that the title and position of "TOA TEAM LEADER" shall be vacated upon promotion in order to allow for nomination and advancement of another "TOA" to fill the void.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The revised one-hundred-seventh article proposed by Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar, after brief deliberation with all of the current "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members", hereby propose that "MATORAN" Tohunga Tahnok be promoted to the position of "TOA" and be granted all the powers and privileges thereof.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The revised one-hundred-tenth article proposed by Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar, after brief deliberation with all of the current "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members", hereby propose that "MATORAN" .Carbon be nominated to the position of "MATORAN CHRONICLER"; to serve as "MATORAN TRIBE" whip and de facto secondary tie-breaker.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The revised one-hundred-forty-fourth article proposed by Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar, after brief deliberation with all of the current "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members", hereby propose that "MATORAN" Makar be promoted to the position of "TOA" and be granted all the powers and privileges thereof.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our group structure and joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all eight articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, June 7th, 2010 provided at least 2/3 of the C.I.R.C.L.E. members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. members will be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.






Recommended Comments

4b: Aye.


33b: Aye.


35b: Aye.


36a: Aye.


50a: Aye.


107a: Aye.


110a: Aye.


144a: Aye.


Promotions are awesome; hope you guys get them. :)

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4b- That was...unexpected. AYE

33b- AYE.

35b- AYE.

36b- AYE.

50a- AYE. Glad to see I'm not the only one.

107a- AYE.


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What!?! No! I cant turn into a weak Turaga, I havent took control yet! <_< Choco, Im still your leader, help me out. :lol:

4b- Aye, cool Choco!

33b- Aye

35b- Aye

36a- Aye

50a- Aye, thank you.

107a- Aye

110a- Aye

114a- Aye


Congrats everyone.



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Article 4b- Aye

Article 33b- Aye

Article 35b- Aye

Article 36a- Aye

Article 50a- Aye

Article 107a- Aye. I'd just like to say how awesome this is. Thanks, Everyone!

Article 110a- Aye

Article 144a- Aye




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4: Aye, no reason to oppose his promotion

33: Aye, I'm biased

35: Aye, no reason to oppose him

36: Aye, above

50: Aye, above

107: Aye, above

110: Aye, above

144: Aye, above

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Knowing what it takes to become a CIRCLE member in the first place, getting a promotion is certainly unobjectable by me.


Seriously, Aye for them all.




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4: Aye,

33: Aye

35: Aye

36: Aye

50: Aye

107: Aye

110: Aye

Congrats to everyone above, you all deserve it!


144: Aye, Thank you everyone, I'm honored =)


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My answer is the same to all of these, but since Ausar doesn't like "aye to all" answers, I will go ahead and write it all out. :P


4b: Aye, congrats to ChocoLvr13.


33b: Aye, congrats to Koji.


35b: Aye - thanks guys. :D


36a: Aye, congrats to Zorrakh.


50a: Aye, congrats to Zahaku.


107a: Aye, congrats to Tohunga Tahnok.


110a: Aye, congrats to .Carbon.


144a: Aye, congrats to Makar.

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Aye to Article 4b. Congrats, ChocLvr13.


Aye to Article 33b. Congrats, Koji.


Aye to Article 35b. Congrats again, Auserv.


It doesn't feel right to vote for myself, but Aye to Article 36a. :lol: Thank you.


Aye to Article 50a. You deserve it, Zahaku. :)


Aye to Article 107a. Congrats, Tohunga Tahnok.


Aye to Article 110a. You'll do a good job. :)


Aye to Article 144a. Congrats, Makar.


Again, congratulations to all. :)

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First, I vote "AYE" on Article 4b. Congratulations ChocoLvr13, you'll be the first member to have held all three ranks. :happydance:


Second, I vote "AYE" on Article 33b. Congratulations Koji, you'll be the first member to have held both tie-breaking positions, and I look forward to working with you in your new capacity as "TOA WHIP". :lol:


Third, I vote "AYE" on Article 35b. Congratulations Auserv, this promotion is long overdue, as was evident by your clear victory on "Secret Ballot #6". :winner:


Fourth, I vote "AYE" on Article 36a. Congratulations Zorrakh, welcome to the "TOA TEAM", I hope to read your upcoming Epic someday soon. ;)


Fifth, I vote "AYE" on Article 50a. Congratulations Zåhåku, you were far and away the overwhelming winner of "Secret Ballot #5". :winner:


Sixth, I vote "AYE" on Article 107a. Congratulations Tohunga Tahnok, welcome to the "TOA TEAM", you've earned it. :)


Seventh, I vote "AYE" on Article 110a. Congratulations .Carbon, I'm certain that we'll work well together in your new capacity as "MATORAN WHIP". :lol:


Lastly, I vote "AYE" on Article 144a. Congratulations Makar, welcome to the "TOA TEAM", you've earned it. :)


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I vote "AYE" to Articles, 4b, 33, 35b, 36a, 50, 107a, 110a, and 144a. I hope that you all enjoy your new positions, especially the new "TURAGA". However, your "Staves of Veto" are currently on backorder and won't be here until the time this round of voting is over. :(


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I hope that you all enjoy your new positions, especially the new "TURAGA". However, your "Staves of Veto" are currently on backorder and won't be here until the time this round of voting is over. :(



Well, something tells me I wouldn't need to use mine. Not yet, at least. :sly:

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What!?! No! I cant turn into a weak Turaga, I haven't took control yet! <_<

To show just how wise we are, the "TURAGA COUNCIL" has decided to keep our friends close, and our enemies closer. :sly:


Ahh.... yes smart. Unfortunatlely for you, I now have a greater position of power to manipulate from. :evilgrin:



Yes, but remember, Ausar, Kohila and I are still your superiors. :P Think of it like Turaga Dume's seniority over the Turaga Metru, if you will. We can and will prevent any unruly uprisings or attempts at insubordination and quash them with swift justice and benevolent Staff of Veto usage. :sly:


Also, I vote "Aye" to all new articles. Congratulations on out two new Turaga, Choco and Zahaku, and to all the newly-promoted Toa and Matoran. Although I must confess, with a bigger Turaga Council and such a large Toa team nowadays, the Matoran tribe is getting smaller and we may want to consider getting new members! :lol:



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What!?! No! I cant turn into a weak Turaga, I haven't took control yet! <_<

To show just how wise we are, the "TURAGA COUNCIL" has decided to keep our friends close, and our enemies closer. :sly:


Ahh.... yes smart. Unfortunatlely for you, I now have a greater position of power to manipulate from. :evilgrin:



Yes, but remember, Ausar, Kohila and I are still your superiors. :P Think of it like Turaga Dume's seniority over the Turaga Metru, if you will. We can and will prevent any unruly uprisings or attempts at insubordination and quash them with swift justice and benevolent Staff of Veto usage. :sly:


Also, I vote "Aye" to all new articles. Congratulations on out two new Turaga, Choco and Zahaku, and to all the newly-promoted Toa and Matoran. Although I must confess, with a bigger Turaga Council and such a large Toa team nowadays, the Matoran tribe is getting smaller and we may want to consider getting new members! :lol:





Didn't we just have an expansion? 'Cuz I'm preety sure were getting somewhere around five new slabs of fresh meat valued authors.




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What!?! No! I cant turn into a weak Turaga, I haven't took control yet! <_<

To show just how wise we are, the "TURAGA COUNCIL" has decided to keep our friends close, and our enemies closer. :sly:


Ahh.... yes smart. Unfortunatlely for you, I now have a greater position of power to manipulate from. :evilgrin:



Yes, but remember, Ausar, Kohila and I are still your superiors. :P Think of it like Turaga Dume's seniority over the Turaga Metru, if you will. We can and will prevent any unruly uprisings or attempts at insubordination and quash them with swift justice and benevolent Staff of Veto usage. :sly:


Also, I vote "Aye" to all new articles. Congratulations on out two new Turaga, Choco and Zahaku, and to all the newly-promoted Toa and Matoran. Although I must confess, with a bigger Turaga Council and such a large Toa team nowadays, the Matoran tribe is getting smaller and we may want to consider getting new members! :lol:



Hmm..... Staff of Veto. :evilgrin: I have a new plan!



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I'm very happy to see my friends moving up the chain of command. Hopefully you will enjoy your positions, and seriously guys, have fun writing!


"Aye", to articles 4b, 33b, 35b, 36a, 50a, 107a, 110a, and 144a. Do I really need to explain my reasoning on this one? :D


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Guest kopakanuva13


4: Aye

33: Aye

35: Aye

36: Aye

50: Aye

107: Aye

110: Aye

144: Aye


No objections to any of the above proposals. Awesome job to everyone promoted ;D

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AYE to Article 4b.

AYE to Article 33b.

AYE to Article 35b.

AYE to Article 36a.

AYE to Article 50a.

AYE to Article 107a.

AYE to Article 110a.

AYE to Article 144a.


Was there any doubt? :P Congratulations to everyone.

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