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Weekly Update - 5/14

Black Six



One of these days, I'm going to take the week off. The question remains: will people be shocked and awed, or will no one really care?



Valenti reviewed the TIE Defender, a set which I admire. I look forward to a sale so I can pick it up - personally for $35 I'd buy it. If you're still unconvinced, go back and read the review again. Think of how many X-Wings you could take down in that thing. (The answer is a LOT: I've played TIE Fighter longer than I should admit, I know.)


Speaking on other LEGO themes, the Hero Factory teaser site went live this week too. People need to stop hating on Hero Factory so much - yes the story doesn't seem as deep as Bionicle's, but it's still more story than any other non-licensed theme out there. Give it a chance and see if it surprises you.


You should also check out this contest. If you have any video editing skills, it's a good chance at getting your name out there and winning some cool stuff in the process.


If you're a gamer like me, you might want to consider pre-ordering LEGO Universe. Now that there's going to be a Mac version, I am definitely considering playing it a bit more. I need to see if there's a Mac version of the Beta now so I don't have to keep booting up Windows just to play it.


On the BZPower front, check out the BrickFair Mosaic Project! I know I've already volunteered to do a couple pieces, but those are all the baseplates I have lying around, so I'm out of the running for any others. There seems to be a decent amount of interest, so hopefully we can churn out three or four of these bad boys by August. Go help out!


Planning is going apace for BrickFair. The staff are trying to keep track of the members who will be there for the entire event, so if you're registered for the full event and think you're cool enough to hang out with the staff ;), let or someone else know so we can not forget about you. It's going to be an amazing weekend - that is a fact.


Other BZPower stuff is plugging along. Maybe we'll be able to announce it sooner and maybe later, but definitely not until after Monday.



  • Does your name have anything to do with the movie The Black Six?
  • What is your favorite part of being a BZP Admin?
  • Are you looking forward to the summer?
  • Do you prefer short Mailbag PMs or long Mailbag PMs?
  • Do you think Ninjo will return?

1. Nope.

2. Getting to help people by keeping the site running.

3. Always.

4. Short questions allow me to answer more thoroughly.

5. I hope so, but can't really comment on the matter.


1. How do you feel about long lists?

2. Cake or Pie?

3. If you had to choose between Mud, Glue, Paper or Scissors, what would you choose?

4. You're driving a bus. You pick up 3 kids, then drive to the next stop. Pick up 8 kids, then drive to the next stop. Pick up 2 kids and 4 adults, then drive to the next stop. As 4 kids and 8 adults board the bus, the driver eats a bar of cookies. How many kids did you pick up? What color is the bus driver's eyes?

5. Did you get that question right?

6. Do you like brain teasers?

7. How many questions do you suppose I'll ask?

6. Quick! What is the question to all things?

7. Do you crave sandwiches?

8. Are you feeling hungry?

9. Cupcakes, Pie, Cake, Food, Ribs, Chicken, Crab, Meat...

10. Are you hungry now?

11. Do you think I'll stop by 20?

12. Speaking of buying things, how is Best Buy?

13. Speaking of best, what is your favorite story saga?

14. Speaking of Saga, what is your favorite sonic character?

15. Speaking of Sonic, what is your favorite sonic toa?

16. Speaking of toa, who is your favorite toa of light?

17. Speaking of light, what is your favorite star/constellation?

18. Speaking of stars, what is your favorite Stars set?

19. Speaking of sets, what is your favorite?

20. I did finish by 20, didn't I?

21. Ha ha, I lied. How do you feel?

1. Not a fan.

2. Cake.

3. Paper.

4. What's a bar of cookies?

5. I prefer to call it un-wrong.

6. They can be fun.

7. 23.

6. (Again.) If only we knew.

7. Not right now. They are tasty though.

8. Nope.

9. I can't answer it if it's not a question.

10. Nope.

11. No.

12. I can't remember the last time I bought something from there.

13. Mata Nui.

14. Tails.

15. I don't know any sonic toa.

16. Takanuva.

17. Orion.

18. Tahu.

19. Tahu or Kopaka Mata.

20. Nope.

21. I feel fine.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Whew that was fun! Anyway, I hear Generator Defense is up on the Halo: Reach Beta now. So I'll talk to you all later. Have a good weekend!


Recommended Comments

I'll be at Bfair for sure. The real question is if I can find y'all. =P

We'll be the posse of geeks behind the Bionicle section, many of us wearing shirts with our names on them. We're kind of hard to miss.

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generator defense is laggy its almost not worth it

It's intentionally laggy. It's a network test designed to stress the netcode under various situations and the lag is a by-product of that.

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generator defense is laggy its almost not worth it

It's intentionally laggy. It's a network test designed to stress the netcode under various situations and the lag is a by-product of that.

so will they restore it to normal after the test?

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After the test it will be taken offline and the beta will end.

dang and i wanted to play a smooth game in that playlist

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