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Steam For Mac



About time. :P


I already have Portal for the PS3 as part of The Orange Box. However, since all Valve games are going to be coming out for Mac over Steam pretty soon, I think I may trade back my PS3 versions for store credit, and save that for console-exclusives. Then I'll probably get TF2 and Portal 2 (when it comes out) for the computer, for the computer servers. They were never that good on the PS3. =/


Also, the Indie Pack looks pretty good too. I have the first level of World of Goo on my computer, and it's a pretty awesome game. I'd probably just get that, but since the Indie Pack includes that, as well as three other games, for the same price as just one, I'll just get that instead.


*goes off to download*



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What's your name on Steam?


Don't have one yet; I'll give you an update though. Kiotu, of course. :P


Playing Portal with a trackpad that only has one button.. not as fun as first thought.


You can go into the settings and set it up so that there are actually two buttons. There's no visual distinction, but hitting the right side does the same thing as hitting the right button on a dual-button mouse.


You could always give your PS3 to me...


Haha, no. :P


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