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Deep Thoughts

Brappy Hour


When I think of words to describe myself, I try to think of truthful answers. Respectful, Honorable, Fair, and whatever else may come to mind. Of course there are also negatives. Some say that I am negative myself, and may have a tendency to complain. Fair enough. Close friends and family also tell me that I don't give myself enough credit for my accomplishments and achievements.

Why? I feel that if I took too much pride in my success it may lead to awful things. Also, some say that I don't deserve what I have been given. I can't really do anything but to feel a bit discomfort in regards to that.


I also have a great hatred for my jealousy. Jealousy for those who have great talent, are successful, and who are loved by many. I'm even jealous of my friends, which is an awful thing to do. I then tell myself of all the good things that have happened to me, and the gifts given to me by life.


Lets use this blog forum as an example. Right now, I see myself as a serious person, maybe not. I can't think of any funny things to post, I don't have any wonderful poems or fancy artwork to post, or have snazzy comments to say. So I post my opinion and things that have happened to me. I feel so blaned and generic. It makes me feel like I'm being dumb just having a blog in the first place.


I'm not trying to be depressing. This is just what happens sometimes when I, or even others are in deep thought.


That's about it. Thanks for reading.





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you dont sound that negative over the mic when playing halo

Like my bro said I feel the same way. You don't seem

negative at all.


Anywho everybody has flaws no matter how talented/popular or etc. they are.

In fact most ppl then some can develope major ego brains and belittle others for

what they don't have. I myself get alittle envious of ppl who have the best thing in life.

Point is when things seem to to carp theres always a person to turn to ;)

And I can't believe I'm saying this but it does suck having to ask/and or even depend on

the small living. But one thing is as I start to look back I start to laugh. Some perfect ppl

can even be jealous of those who aren't very talented or very mean for that fact.

Don't let that attitude change who you are in life, because you end up losing the things and

the friends you love :(


I know your a very good person and you'll find a talent of your own in life.

Just don't give up hope.hope.gif

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Ohhhhh BR...


I never knew... I am so sorry... I should had known. You rhuman and from that we want to always out shine others. So you should not hate the jealous facter. But use it to become better. And give you drive for life. The rest I have nothing to say but you r love and valued here. And never forget that.


Toa of Life

ur gf

Kara Nui

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