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This Is Bad



Well, there's been a pain in my shoulder that moved around to my side and is causing me much pain from under my armpit to my back. When I was at the hospital with my Dad, we discovered it was not just a pulled muscle, but something much, much worse. We also found little red dots almost like chicken pox all over my hurting area.


The doctor told me I have Shingles.


Yes, that's the disease old people get a lot. The doctor told me it was very strange to have it on someone my age, but not unheard of.


The doctor explained what is was very clearly. He said that way back when people have chicken pox, the chicken pox never actually goes away. It goes into a hibernation in your spinal cord, and checks every now and then to see how your immune system is doing. A week or two ago I was sick for two weeks, and this caused a significant weakening of my immune system which summoned forth the mutated chicken pox disease, now known as shingles.


It hurts. It hurts bad.




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