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Blog Q&A



Blog Q&A




Welcome to the Blog Q&A. This is your chance to speak directly to the Blog Staff (DeeVee, the Blog Leader, and his assistants Nukaya, Shine, Bfahome, Ta-metru_defender, and Takuma Nuva) and ask any questions you may have about the world of blogs.


Please check out the Blog FAQ first, as your question may have been already answered.


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Chances are, 'Raga has been too busy with other things. ;) Or he could've been too tired.
Let's just say there was miscommunication for that one. :P



Is is possible for me set it so that the BoTW doesn't show up as pinned?
It's something I decided on to draw interest toward the Blog of the Week. The only way I've not seen it is by not being signed in (I don't know why either); besides Blog HQ, I only have the winner's pinned, so there should be more than two or three seen (depending on the order of pin/unpin). One extra blog shouldn't really be a hindrance to seeing all the others. Not to mention, if you have some marked as favorites, they supersede the pinned blogs anyway.



Can I have a round robin in my blog, if I have rules for participation and watch it carefully so it doesn't degrade into spam?
That should be okay, so long as you're sure you can do both. :)


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM


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Note regarding Toaraga's answer: When he said "besides Blog HQ, I only have the winner's pinned, so there should be more than two or three seen (depending on the order of pin/unpin)," I'm pretty sure he meant to say:


"besides Blog HQ, I only have the winner's pinned, so there should never be more than two or three seen (depending on the order of pin/unpin)."

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Is it all right to make blog approval seals to give to members who have blogs, even though I myself am not premier or have a blog?

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Guest kopakanuva13


I have heard of giving blogs "seals of approval", how do I do this? Just post a comment? Or some other way?...

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I have heard of giving blogs "seals of approval", how do I do this? Just post a comment? Or some other way?...

The seals of approvals are more for fun than anything, usually you make one and then just post it in the blog you like. Or you can send it to the blog owner via PM. You can design the seal any way you want.



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  • Clicking the "Your Blog Settings" link (right next to entries and content blogs)
  • If it's not on the "Settings" tab, go to there by clicking "Settings" on the top of the window-like object that pops up.
  • Uncheck the box that says "Approve Comments posted on your Blog"
  • Switch the adjacent dropdown menu to "Approve guest comments only" (just in case for some reason unchecking the box mentioned above doesn't do the trick).
  • Close the window-like object.
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I've seen lots of comments in blogs that would for sure be spam if they were in the forums, and even blank comments. (Yes, they've found a way! :o ) Should I report this stuff to BlogAlert? Also, can entries be revived?


~Doc C.

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Blogs are more lenient than forums in regards to spam, but report the blank comments. Yes, entries can be revived.


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

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Blogs are more lenient than forums in regards to spam, but report the blank comments. Yes, entries can be revived.


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

Ah, and how long can an entry go before it dies?


~Doc C.

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I was afraid his answer would be taken that way.


What he means is that entries can be posted after any amount of time has passed since the previous comment. There is no revival limit. Basically, blogs are similar to epics in that way.

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In regards to the Invisible comments rule, I have this thing called Las Caras. 'Course you know Nukora, you made the name.


Wanted to know, it wouldn't be considered pointless or something, would it?



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Posting a comment/entry containing only images is fine. The rule was just made for entries/comments whose only content was:


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Just out of curious. Can I post a picture of the Exclusive Brickmaster set and post it in my blog or is that not allow?


I am asking since this is suppose to be a Exclusive set for Brickmaster only, so I am worried it may not be allow for someone(non-Brickmaster member) could duplicate the set from the picture make it not as exclusive as it was meant to be by Lego.


If you can answer this, thank you for your help. I am very sorry about bothering you with this. I just don't want to make a mistake by posting it, if I can't do so.



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Is there any way to keep Blog entries visible for members to see, but not have them normally diplayed.

Like, show them just when you look at the category, or something?

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I'm not quite sure what you're asking. You can have just entries in a certain category display, if that's what you're asking; that's one of the things they're for. All someone has to do is click on the category link, and only those entries will show.


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

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I have a new question.

I was going to comment in the Blog, iOmega, but there was no comment button.

But in the other Blogs, there is one.

Why is that?



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The only reason I could figure is Omega32 has the "Disable comments" checked. This means that no one can comment until it's unchecked.


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

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