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Old School Gaming

Watashi Wa


So yesterday after my Astronomy class I got home and noticed the SNES that was sitting on a shelf in my room after my mom rediscovered it in a closet upstairs. I decided to hook it up to my TV and switch it on.


It still works.


But don't bump it, or else it will freeze.


I blew on the inside of my favorite SNES game: Super Mario RPG. This game is probably what really drove me to love and appreciate video games. Even as young as I was, I knew that I would be playing games from then on. Still to this day, action/adventure games and RPGs are among my favorite types (FPSs would be up there too).


This game is so awesome. I never beat it as a kid, but now I'm about half way through it after only playing for one day.


Playing the SNES brings back some great memories. Countless hours playing with my new step-brother (the SNES is his, anyways). Hiding the timer under our pillows so our parents wouldn't hear it when the timer went off. They knew we played more than 20 minutes a day.


Still, I think it's great to see how much games have changed, not just graphically. Playability, controls, rewards, scope, interaction; it's all changed for the better. In a way, it makes me appreciate my 360 that much more.


Anywho, just a little nostalgic post. Carry on!


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Lol, I had an NES when I was seven years old or so. That thing brings back some good memories. After awhile, you had to blow on the indside of every single game we had, and tilt the console onto it's side.


So worth it.


I loved Duck hunt.


Though at that age, I had the gun right at the screen.



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I have a PS1.


The sheer fact that the games were fun, relied on plot, gameplay, and cutscenes that were worth the fighting to get, are why I'm playing my PS1 more then my 360 as of late.

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