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Update: Rise Of The Rockets Wiki



I'm thinking of making one. Anyone else interested? And does anyone know how to make info boxes on Wikis?


UPDATE: Republic Commando Darmen was kind enough to start the wiki for us. Big thanks to him. ^_^ You can find the wiki here.


Alrighty. Since the Wiki got made way faster than I thought, I figured I would go ahead and just post the 'guidelines' that I was originally going to post tomorrow now. For those who can't read that potentially confusing statement, I'm jumping forward with what I had planned. :P


To start -- general info. What is Rise of the Rockets? Well, if you haven't seen it already, you can find it here. Essentially, Giovanni was overthrown by four Rocket Admins dubbed the Shadow Admins, who, over a 20 year period, managed to take over the four main regions as well as the Orange Islands. In response to this, a resistance group called Team Liberty sprang up, and the two teams have been at war for the past twelve years. RotR was originally intended to be a sandbox RPG, and still is in many regards, though I eventually decided to incorporate a bigger main plot into it, given how the story wasn't going anywhere.


Anyway, with that overview out of the way, there were a couple of things I was thinking about for this. For simplicity's sake, I'll put them into lists. In my opinion, the wiki should include:

--Individual pages for each character. Essentially what most specialized wikis do, this would allow us to give more information on each character and tell just what they have done over the course of the RPG and before/after it (what, did you think I intended to let this be a one shot deal? No way -- I'm continuing this even after the RPG ends, man! :P) This includes all characters -- official Pokémon characters and ones created specifically for the RPG. Within these pages should be:

-A history section -- obviously. I don't think this needs much of an explanation.

-Personality sections.

-Maybe appearance sections.

-Pokémon sections -- what Pokémon that particular character owns/has owned, etc.

-Maybe quotes and trivia?

-Additionally, I think (for the majority) each page should be maintained by the creator of that character, only edited by others if the need arises, to fix grammar issues, etc. This is because the creator of a character more likely than not knows more about that character than anyone else, though, inevitably, some people will not want to write their own, have already left the RPG and won't bother, or whatever. Just a thought.


--Individual pages for both teams. Already been done, but still. These pages should include:

-Member sections.



-Brief sections on the main base(s) of the team, linking to individual pages for those bases.


-Pages for major locations, such as regions, the main bases of both teams, etc.


-Individual pages for certain legendaries -- or, those that have been seen with larger influence on events than others, such as Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquazza, Mewtwo, etc.


-Pages for certain important items, like Pokétch/Gear/balls/etc., Joker's gauntlet, etc. Certain ones -- such as Joker's gauntlet -- will be maintained and written by people with greater knowledge of those than others, such as myself for Joker's gauntlet. This also applies to characters, like Goldhawk, Bluefalcon, Sleight, etc., though that's already been said.


-Something else we could include would be pictures of characters, assuming anyone is up to drawing characters or making sprites of them. Infoboxes wouldn't be a bad idea, either, though I personally don't know how to make them. :P


So, yeah, pretty general stuff. I think we could end up with something pretty awesome if we all work together and try to make this professional -- though remember to have fun with it, too! And again, this is all my opinion -- some stuff may not end up being needed.


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I think that would be neat; adding in the stories of various mission teams, biographies, Pokemon, etc...

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No really, it wasn't much of a problem. Easy in fact. I've just had previous wiki experiences in my past. I has the skillage.

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Set up the Legendary Titans' pages, seeing as they've all appeared (at varying degrees of importance) in the RPG at some point or another now.


Quality control appreciated.


Neya Out. :miru:

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Cool. But where would my character go? He's joined the Ho-oh group, but isn't technically part of Team Liberty. Is there a "neutrals" section or something?

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Hey, can somebody please make Tom's character? :begging: The only experience I have is editing an article on Glatorian Gresh over a year ago.

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# Thus far, all of Team Rockets' main bases are named after biblical locations: A chapel is a place of worship, and Purgatory is described as the place where souls wait to be brought to Heaven or ######.


That's on the TR page. I'd like to point out that neither of those things are from the Bible.

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